Materials with halide perovskite-type layer structures like K,MnF,, Rb,MnCl,, (CH,NH,),MnCI,, (C,H,NH,)MnCI, etc are of current interest for essentially three reasons:(i) These materials are nearly ideal two-deminsional magnetic materials.(ii) Materials with organic ions (C,H,, + 1NH3)i undergo several structural phase transitions due to orientation and reorientation of the organic ions.(iii) They are, as layer structures, interesting from the lattice dynamical point of view, especially with respect to the ratio of interlayer and intralayer forces.In this paper we will concentrate on (iii). on the lattice dynamics, and present a rigid-ion model calculation for the high-temperature phase of (CH,NH,),MnCl, (MAMC) with the K Z MnF, structure (Dil). The short-range forces are assumed to be axially symmetric. The 11 disposible parameters of the model are fitted to experimental data, i.e. the frequencies of IR and Raman-active phonons, and to neutron scattering data. Macroscopically, these materials are very similar to other layered materials. They crystallise in platelets and can easily be cleaved parallel to their major faces (perpendicular to the c axis). Microscopically, the layers consist of a two-dimensional array of MnCI, octahedra. The high-temperature phase of MAMC is characterised by a disorder of the orientation of the organic ions. For our model, we assume each ion to be located at the symmetrised average position. Further, the organic ions are treated as rigid bodies since we are not interested in their internal modes.The results of our model calculation confirm in MAMC the lattice dynamics are more or less three-dimensional and that the interlayer forces are of the same magnitude as the intralayer forces. Our conclusion is that the three-dimensional lattice dynamical behaviour of these layered materials is due to the importance of long-range Coulomb forces in these ionic compounds.