Blood groups, due to their irremovability and independence from gender, age, feeding conditions and maintenance, are widely used in animal breeding. The purpose of this study was to identify genetic markers of economically valuable traits of cattle of Kalmyk breed. Analysis of polymorphism of blood groups of Kalmyk cattle during the study period showed that there are antigens in the allelofond with a high concentration and frequency of occurrence: А1, A2, D', W, V, and Z, while G2I', C2 remain with low one. Analysis of the genetic status of different breeds revealed that there are obvious differences in frequencies. Antigens A1,A2,E’3,Z can serve as genetic markers of Kalmyk cattle purebred. The highest index of genetic distance was 0.1931 between the Kalmyk breed of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh white-headed breed. The smallest genetic distance was found between the Simmental breed and the Kalmyk AO and is equal to 0.1166. The identification of the most effective method of selection, taking into account the index of genetic similarity, revealed the smallest number of parent pairs in the low (0.0-0.30) and high (0.61-0.90) indices of antigenic similarity and amounted to: “Agrofirma Aduchi” LLC – 24 pairs (16%) and 48 pairs (32%), “Sarpa” AO – 17 pairs (11%) and 21 pair (14%), A. A. Chapchayev AO PZ – 15 pairs (10%) and 9 pairs (6%), “Agribusiness” LLC – 8 pairs (5%) and 7 pairs (5%), respectively. When selecting parent pairs with an antigenic similarity index of 0.31-0.60, it allows to get bullheads with the highest live weight. Antigens marking the index value of 0,31-0,60, А1, А2, G2, E’3, C2, Z are considered genetic markers of the reproductive ability of Kalmyk breed cattle.