Every year, millions of cubic meters of dams and restraints are dredged as part of the management and prevention procedures all over the world. These dredged sediments are considered as natural waste leading to environmental, ecological and even economic problems associated with their processing and depositing. Nevertheless, in the context of a sustainable development policy, a way of their management is open aiming at assessing the sediments as a building material and, particularly, as a new binder that can be industrially exploited and that can improve the physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of the concrete. This study is a part of the research made at the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Mostaganem (Algeria) on the impact of the mud dredged from the Fergoug Dam on the behavior of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) in the fresh and hardened states, such as the mechanical performance and its impact on different deformations (shrinkage). The work aims to assess this mud in the SCC and to show possible interactions between the constituents. The obtained results provide the details needed for producing the SCC based on calcined mud. Keywords: sediment, calcined mud, self-consolidating concrete, fresh state, hard state, shrinkage Vsako leto po vsem svetu kot varovalni ukrep izkopljejo milijone kubi~nih metrov sedimentov iz jezov in zadr`evalnikov. Ti izkopani sedimenti so obravnavani kot naravni odpadek, ki povzro~a okoljske, ekolo{ke in celo ekonomske te`ave pri njihovi predelavi ali odlaganju. Vseeno, v kontekstu politike trajnostnega razvoja je postavljena pot za njihovo obdelavo, za oceno teh sedimentov kot gradbenega materiala in {e posebej kot novega veziva, ki ga je mogo~e industrijsko izkoristiti in ki lahko izbolj{a fizikalne, kemijske in mehanske lastnosti betona. Ta {tudija je del raziskovalnega dela, opravljenega na oddelku za gradbeni{tvo Univerze v Mostaganemu (Al`irija), o vplivu izkopanega mulja iz jezu Fergoug na vedenje samozgo{~evalnega betona (SCC) v sve`em in v strjenem stanju, na mehanske lastnosti in na razli~ne deformacije (kr~enje). Namen je oceniti to blato v SCC in pokazati morebitne interakcije med sestavinami. Prikazani rezultati so dobra mo`nost za izdelavo SCC na osnovi kalciniranega blata. Klju~ne besede: sediment, kalcinirano blato, samozgo{~evalni beton, sve`e stanje, trdo stanje, kr~enje