It is my great pleasure to host the 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'15)
As Japan's sole national research institute in the field of ICT, the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), promotes research and development in fundamental technologies in the fields of networks, including wireless communication, universal communication, advanced ICT, and electromagnetic sensing. Through these technologies, we aim to contribute to improving and resolving various challenges that society faces.In particular, NICT positions big data of a public nature that helps to contribute to society as "Social Big Data." We focus on R&D of such Social Big Data, with the goal of having it used throughout society as social infrastructure, and ensuring that the knowledge and information gained from it is further disseminated. Additionally, efforts leading to the Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE), where all things and all data become connected, are advancing, and NICT is actively contributing to the IoT Acceleration Consortium, which represents Japan's efforts in this area, and its technology development working group, the Smart IoT Acceleration Forum. Furthermore, learning from the response to the Great East Japan Earthquake that devastated Japan in March 2011, we are also engaging in research and development to swiftly deploy a wireless telecommunications network in the aftermath of a disaster. The Global Wireless Summit-15 will present high-level technical sessions; tutorials, and special sessions on advance topics; workshops; and panel discussions. All the submitted contributions received for technical and special sessions have been thoroughly reviewed by the TPC including other leading experts and only the best quality of papers have been accepted for presentations. It may be mentioned that each paper was reviewed by at least three experts. TPC of GWS-15 has 15 Co-chairs and over 70 members, from a wide variety of academic, industrial, and research organizations around the globe. As has been the tradition for this Summit, it continues to feature a high-quality technical program across a wide range of research in the wireless communications and related areas.
For this symposium, NICT has set up a Wi-SUN workshop, 5G workshop, and Resilient Wireless Network Technologies workshop as themes related to such areas of research and development at this symposium. Currently, data gathering through networks using wireless technology is being conducted in various fields and industries across the globe. At the same time, the diversification of ICT had made wireless communications technology increasingly available to people. Given this situation, I believe that holding this ICTI would like to take this opportunity to profoundly thanks the TPC Co-chairs; TPC members; Chairpersons of Special Sessions, Workshops; reviewers; and authors. I request you all to take the advantage of this grand Summit and have thought provoking 4 days in the City of Hy...