The article examines the relationship between social perceptions of one’s country, national-state (Russian) identity, and the stability of the state. We analyzed the results of empirical studies of social perceptions of young users of social networks with different ideological preferences and socio-political attitudes through the study of a system of images and symbols associated in the minds of youth the notion of “Russia”. The structure of social representations about Russia, the content of the core and peripheral zones, and the emotional assessment of the studied category are revealed.
The article touches upon the problem of the crisis of national-state identity of young Russian citizens. Digitalization fundamentally changes the functioning and reproduction of the culture, which underlies group, ethnic, national, and state identity. These changes may cause significant risks of destabilizing the state and its main institutions. The authors discuss the role of educational institutions in the reproduction and formation of new social values among young people and the following formation of the national-state identity. The empirical part of the study is aimed to identify the basis of national-state identity, which is the structure and content of social ideas about Russia among various groups of users of social networks aged 14–35 years, selected according to their gender, age, and educational background. The article presents the results of the empirical study of respondents’ social representations about Russia. It explains the correlation between the national-state identity and social representations of one’s country and indicates the structural-functional and contentmorphological characteristics of the social ideas of young people about Russia. It also reveals the differences in the social representations of young people from different population groups. The results make it possible to clarify the understanding of the pattern of Russian young people’s social thinking, which is responsible for the choice of identification images and predetermines the strength and direction of political attitudes that affect the political stability of Russia.
The problem of theoretical foundations that adequately explain the phenomenon of social integration/differentiation of society in the context of global changes is posed, an analysis of approaches within the framework of sociological, cultural, political science, and psychological postmodern concepts is given. It is shown that the complication of the transitional state of society weakens the effect of adaptive socio-psychological mechanisms, removing the problem of the complexity of the transitional state from the analytical field of social sciences into the interdisciplinary space. Possible directions of theoretical search for factors of latent influence on the processes of integration/differentiation, social groups and society as a whole are revealed. The large gap that has arisen between subjective and objective spaces and time, the attitude towards them and the changes taking place in them, is proposed to be explored with the help of cultural concepts of evolutionary dynamics and intra-system and cross-system aromorphoses. It is shown that sociological science refers to the understanding of the processes of integration/differentiation of the time of late modernity, characterized by great uncertainty, fluidity, complexity, and ambiguity. The analysis of identification mechanisms of consolidation and fragmentation has been developed within the framework of cognitivist and constructionist-oriented concepts, the mutual influence of identity, historical social structures and social processes. The importance of studying the conditions of consolidation, cohesion of society within the framework of the concept of a divided society, established in political science. It is proposed to turn to the macropsychological approach to analyze the psychological state of society. Attention is drawn to the fact that psychological studies of the polarization of consciousness of the last decade take into account the changing contexts of globalization, transitivity, virtuality, as well as new approaches to the analysis of information culture: from the analysis of general characteristics to the differentiation of layers, to the accounting and description of new "archaeological" layers information culture.
Сборник материалов V Чтений памяти В.Т. Лисовского включает доклады и статьи ведущих и молодых ученых, аспирантов по исследованиям социальных проблем молодежи в условиях пандемии, поиску современных подходов к выработке молодежной политики на федеральном и региональном уровнях.Сборник представляет интерес для специалистов в сфере молодежной, семейнодемографической политики, научно-образовательного сообщества, исследователей в области социальных наук.