The tofu industry is growing rapidly, along with the increasing number of people in Indonesia. On the other hand, industrial liquid waste contains very high organic compound that potentially pollutes the environment. Without a good handling process, tofu liquid waste can cause a variety of negative impacts such as water pollution, unpleasant odor, and lower aesthetic to the environment. Most tofu industries are run by small and medium industries so that the disposal of its waste is less attention. Liquid waste from the tofu industry can be used to produce biogas through an anaerobic process if it is well processed. The aim of this research is to measure the physical and chemical parameters of liquid waste in one of the tofu industries in Bantaeng by taking samples at three different points. Based on the physical parameters obtained temperature, TDS, TSS, smell and color from three points for Point I are 29.6°C, 1932 mg/L, 7690 mg/L, smelly and white-colored, point II are 27.8°C, 540 mg/L, 1646 mg/L, smelled, murky-colored, point III temperature of 29°C, 510 mg/L, 288 mg/L. Based on chemical parameters, the tofu liquid waste pH, BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) for the point I, II, and III in a row are pH (7-7.8); BOD 7.5 mg/L, 3.3 mg/L, 9.6 mg/L; COD 1405 mg/L, 930 mg/L, 370 mg/L. From the parameters that have been measured. It be can be concluded that some parameters for industrial tofu liquid waste is still unqualified to the requirements of the quality standards set by KEPMENLH No. 5 in 2014. The unqualified standards are the TSS parameter and COD so that further research is required in order for the industrial liquid waste can be disposed of to the environment.