Until very recently, microprocessor designs were computation-centric. On-chip communication was frequently ignored. This was because of fast, single-cycle on-chip communication. The interconnect power was also insignificant compared to the transistor power. With uniprocessor designs providing diminishing returns and the advent of chip multiprocessors (CMPs) in mainstream systems, the on-chip network that connects different processing cores has become a critical part of the design. Transistor miniaturization has led to high global wire delay, and interconnect power comparable to transistor power. CMP design proposals can no longer ignore the interaction between the memory hierarchy and the interconnection network that connects various elements. This necessitates a detailed and accurate interconnection network model within a full-system evaluation framework. Ignoring the interconnect details might lead to inaccurate results when simulating a CMP architecture. It also becomes important to analyze the impact of interconnection network optimization techniques on full system behavior. In this light, we developed a detailed cycle-accurate interconnection network model (GARNET), inside the GEMS full-system simulation framework. GARNET models a classic five-stage pipelined router with virtual channel (VC) flow control. Microarchitectural details, such as flit-level input buffers, routing logic, allocators and the crossbar switch, are modeled. GARNET, along with GEMS, provides a detailed and accurate memory system timing model. To demonstrate the importance and potential impact of GARNET, we evaluate a shared and private L2 CMP with a realistic state-of-the-art interconnection network against the original GEMS simple network. The objective of the evaluation was to figure out which configuration is better for a particular workload. We show that not modeling the interconnect in detail might lead to an incorrect outcome. We also evaluate Express Virtual Channels (EVCs), an on-chip network flow control proposal, in a full-system fashion. We show that in improving on-chip network latency-throughput, EVCs do lead to better overall system runtime, however, the impact varies widely across applications.
We propose RecShard, a fine-grained embedding table (EMB) partitioning and placement technique for deep learning recommendation models (DLRMs). RecShard is designed based on two key observations. First, not all EMBs are equal, nor all rows within an EMB are equal in terms of access patterns. EMBs exhibit distinct memory characteristics, providing performance optimization opportunities for intelligent EMB partitioning and placement across a tiered memory hierarchy. Second, in modern DLRMs, EMBs function as hash tables. As a result, EMBs display interesting phenomena, such as the birthday paradox, leaving EMBs severely under-utilized. Rec-Shard determines an optimal EMB sharding strategy for a set of EMBs based on training data distributions and model characteristics, along with the bandwidth characteristics of the underlying tiered memory hierarchy. In doing so, RecShard achieves over 6 times higher EMB training throughput on average for capacity constrained DLRMs. The throughput increase comes from improved EMB load balance by over 12 times and from the reduced access to the slower memory by over 87 times.
Datacenter-scale AI training clusters consisting of thousands of domain-specific accelerators (DSA) are used to train increasinglycomplex deep learning models. These clusters rely on a data storage and ingestion (DSI) pipeline, responsible for storing exabytes of training data and serving it at tens of terabytes per second. As DSAs continue to push training efficiency and throughput, the DSI pipeline is becoming the dominating factor that constrains the overall training performance and capacity. Innovations that improve the efficiency and performance of DSI systems and hardware are urgent, demanding a deep understanding of DSI characteristics and infrastructure at scale. This paper presents Meta's end-to-end DSI pipeline, composed of a central data warehouse built on distributed storage and a Data PreProcessing Service that scales to eliminate data stalls. We characterize how hundreds of models are collaboratively trained across geo-distributed datacenters via diverse and continuous training jobs. These training jobs read and heavily filter massive and evolving datasets, resulting in popular features and samples used across training jobs. We measure the intense network, memory, and compute resources required by each training job to preprocess samples during training. Finally, we synthesize key takeaways based on our production infrastructure characterization. These include identifying hardware bottlenecks, discussing opportunities for heterogeneous DSI hardware, motivating research in datacenter scheduling and benchmark datasets, and assimilating lessons learned in optimizing DSI infrastructure. CCS CONCEPTS• Software and its engineering → Distributed systems organizing principles; • Information systems → Database management system engines; • Computing methodologies → Machine learning.
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