Although tele-operation has a long history, when it comes to tuning, comparison, and evaluation of teleoperation systems, no standard framework exists which can fulfill desiderata such as: concisely modeling multiple aspects of the system as a whole, i.e. timing, accuracy, and event transitions, while also providing for separation of user-, feedback-, as well as learning-dependent components. On the other hand, real-time remote tele-operation of robotic arms, either industrial or humanoid, is highly suitable for a number of applications, especially in difficult or inaccessible environment, and thus such an evaluation framework would be desirable. Usually, teleoperation is driven by buttons, joysticks, haptic controllers, or slave-arms, providing an interface which can be quite cumbersome and unnatural, especially when operating robots with multiple degrees of freedom. Thus, in thus paper, we present a twofold contribution: (a) a task-based teleoperation evaluation framework which can achieve the desiderata described above, as well as (b) a system for teleoperation of an industrial arm commanded through human-arm motion capture, which is used as a case study, and also serves to illustrate the effectiveness of the evaluation framework that we are introducing. In our system the desired trajectory of a remote robotic arm is easily and naturally controlled through imitation of simple movements of the operator's physical arm, obtained through motion capture. Furthermore, an extensive real-world evaluation is provided, based on our proposed probabilistic framework, which contains an intersubject quantitative study with 23 subjects, a longitudinal