Povzetek Varnost danes ni ogrožena le zaradi oboroženih konfliktov, temveč predvsem in vedno pogosteje zaradi kompleksnih kriz. Učinkovit odziv nanje zahteva od nacionalnovarnostnega sistema stalno prilagajanje in pripravljenost na nepredvidljivost varnostnih razmer s prožno strukturo, razvito koordinacijo in z zmogljivostmi, sposobnimi ukrepanja na podlagi sistemskih in jasnih pravil na področju kriznega upravljanja. Prispevek osvetljuje pomen kriznega upravljanja v sodobni družbi s poudarkom na obrambnem področju, na katerem na podlagi teoretičnih in praktičnih spoznanj daje predloge, ki bi lahko bili za Slovensko vojsko kakovosten izhodiščni okvir za razpravo pri oblikovanju nujnih odgovorov na sodobne izzive kriznega upravljanja. Slovenija, njen nacionalnovarnostni sistem kot tudi vse njegove sestavine, vključno s Slovensko vojsko, si ne smejo in ne morejo dovoliti, da krizo pričakajo nepripravljeni ter brez vnaprej izoblikovanega in delujočega celovitega koncepta na področju kriznega upravljanja. Ključne besede: kriza, krizno upravljanje, krizno odzivanje, vaje kriznega upravljanja. Abstract Today, security is not threatened only because of armed conflicts, but mostly and increasingly because of the complexity of crises. An effective response to those crises requires the national security system to constantly adapt and remain ready for the unpredictable nature of the security situation. This can be achieved with a flexible structure, well-developed coordination and capabilities apt to react on the basis of clear and system rules in the field of crisis management. The article highlights the importance of crisis management in the modern society with the emphasis on the field of defence. It provides theory- and practice-based suggestions, which could serve as a quality frame of reference for a discussion in the process of preparing crucial responses to the contemporary challenges of crisis management. Slovenia, its national security system along with its components, including the Slovenian Armed Forces, cannot and should not presume to enter a crisis unprepared and without a pre-framed, effective and comprehensive crisis-management concept. Key words: Crisis, crisis management, crisis response, crisis management exercises.
Natov koncept strateških komunikacij, ki je osrednja tema prispevka, je v Sloveniji in Slovenski vojski premalo poznan in uporabljen pojem, še manj je znana njegova vsebina. Pogosto je napačno razumljen in enačen s strateškimi odnosi z javnostmi. Ni direktivno sprejet in uveden v procese odločanja in načrtovanja, vendar v ospredje vedno bolj prihaja zavedanje, da je nujen, in sicer z vsemi svojimi zmogljivostmi in na vseh ravneh delovanja, kot eden ključnih načinov celovitega pristopa k učinkovitemu reševanju kriz v svetu in vedno bolj tudi v domačem okolju. Cilj pisanja je na diplomatski in vojaški ter taktični in strateški ravni spodbuditi zavedanje o nujnosti, pomembnosti in uporabnosti koncepta strateških komunikacij v sodobnem informacijskem času. S predstavitvijo teoretičnega okvira, vsebine in resničnih implikacij koncepta strateških komunikacij v praksi drugih držav, zavezniških in nasprotnikovih sil želimo s prispevkom poiskati zanimanje in pot do stvarne uvedbe in uporabe koncepta v slovenskem okolju. Analitični pregled stanja v Slovenski vojski in širše pokaže, da se sistem še ne zaveda nujnosti uvajanja koncepta v uporabo, čeprav bi se moral. V sklepu so zato zapisani izhodišča in podlaga za gradnjo obravnavanega koncepta v našem okolju, ki bodo predvsem v SV in na Ministrstvu za obrambo, pa tudi širše v slovenskem okolju, temelj za razpravo o oblikovanju nujnih odgovorov na izzive sodobnega varnostnega okolja. In Slovenia and the Slovenian Armed Forces, NATO's Strategic Communication's Concept, which is the main topic of this article, is a little known and used term, while its contents is even less known. It is often misunderstood and compared to strategic public relations. It has not been regulated and incorporated into the decision-making and planning processes. However, the awareness of its paramount importance is coming more and more to the fore. It is needed with all its capabilities and at all levels of operation as one of the key ways of adopting a comprehensive approach to an effective resolution of crisis worldwide and, more and more, in Slovenia. The aim of this article is to encourage the awareness on the urgency, importance and usefulness of the concept of strategic communication in the modern information era. By presenting the theoretical framework, contents and actual implications of the strategic communications concept in the practice of other nations, allied and adversary forces, we aim at ascertaining interest and way to actually implement and apply the concept in Slovenia. According to the analytical overview of the situation in the Slovenian Armed Forces and beyond, the system is not yet aware of the urgency of implementing the concept, although it should be. The conclusion thus includes the platform and foundation for the formulation of the discussed concept in Slovenian environment, which will serve as the basis for the Slovenian Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defence and other institutions to discuss the formulation of urgent responses to the challenges posed by the modern security environment
The global strategic environment has dramatically changed. We live in a highly complex information environment, where we are facing hybrid threats, terrorism, information confrontations, cyber threats, irregular war, massive migration and so on. In this environment, the Alliance needed to adapt and enhance the speed, connectivity and effectiveness of its Strategic Communications (StratCom) effort, which was created as NATO’s smart answer to the challenging information environment we live in. This article describes the NATO Strategic Communications concept to provide deeper understanding and increase knowledge of the context, tools, capabilities and processes conducted within the frame of it. The article explains the role, responsibility and opportunity leaders at every level have in conducting, leading, implementing and using the NATO concept of Strategic Communications.
Slovenska vojska je na družbenih omrežjih aktivna od januarja 2013. Od takrat je naredila velik korak v komuniciranju znotraj tako imenovanih novih medijev, vendar še ne dosega ravni in načina komuniciranja zavezniških držav. Zato bo morala še veliko napora usmeriti v oblikovanje strategije komuniciranja znotraj družbenih omrežij, da bo izkoristila moč in doseg takšnega načina komuniciranja z javnostjo. Članek z analizo polletnega komuniciranja Slovenske vojske na družbenih omrežjih in s predstavitvijo dveh študij primerov, narejenih na ravni nemške vojske in Nata, potrjuje prej navedeno. Rezultati so pokazali, da je razvita komunikacijska strategija dobra, da s komuniciranjem prek družbenih omrežij Slovenska vojska bogato dopol- njuje svojo strategijo odnosov z javnostmi, da se predstavlja še bolj pregledno in da vedno bolj aktivno sodeluje z zainteresiranimi javnostmi. Najboljše komunikacijske rezultate dosega na Facebooku, medtem ko je v razvoju drugih omrežij, pridobiva- nju zaupanja organizacije in njenih zaposlenih v socialne medije ter v oblikovanju organizacijske kulture komuniciranja na teh ravneh še veliko dela, ki ga je treba opraviti. Pri tem ne smemo pozabiti, da je treba vse aktivnosti Slovenske vojske na družbenih omrežjih vnaprej in načrtno ter skladno z načrtovano celostno podobo or- ganizacije v javnosti razvijati do podrobnosti in hkrati aktivno slediti novim težnjam in aktivnemu dialogu z javnostmi. The Slovenian Armed Forces has become actively involved in social networks in January 2013. Since then, it has taken a major step in the communication within the so-called new media; however, it has still not attained the level and mode of com- munication of other allied countries. Much effort will thus have to be devoted to the development of a communication strategy within social networks in order to make use of the power and reach of such a public communication method. The article supports the above-mentioned facts with the analysis of six-month social network communication activities of the Slovenian Armed Forces and the presentation of two case studies carried out at in the German Armed Forces and NATO. The results have shown that the developed communication strategy was good; that Slovenian Armed Forces’ communication activities through social networks represent a rich comple- ment to its public affairs strategy; that such activities aid to its transparent presen- tation, and that its involvement with the interested public is becoming increasin- gly active. The best communication results have been achieved on Facebook, while there is still much to be done in the development of other networks, in building trust in social media within the organization and its employees, and in creating an orga- nizational culture of communication at these levels. In so doing, one must not forget that all Slovenian Armed Forces’ social networks activities should be thoroughly developed in advance and in a premeditated manner as well as in accordance with the planned corporate public image of the organization. At the same time, it should actively follow new trends and active dialogue with the public.
Povzetek: V članku je predstavljen proces oblikovanja predloga Vojaške strategije Republike Slovenije znotraj Slovenske vojske z namenom oblikovanja zgodovinskega spomina in krepiti prepričanja, da sta obramba in varnost stalen proces, ki ne more biti podvržen vsakodnevnemu političnemu razpoloženju ampak mora biti dobro načrtovan, nivojsko in resorno usklajen proces, ki je na koncu zapisan v strategijah. Nato in EU intenzivno sprejemata nove strategije na obrambnem in vojaškem področju. Sledi jima tudi Republika Slovenija z oblikovanjem prvega predloga Vojaške strategije Republike Slovenije. Ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju predloga strategije do sedaj je imel proces, ki je zagotovil krepitev in sistematizacijo vojaške misli, poenotenje razumevanj znotraj Slovenske vojske in usklajenost z obrambno-vojaškimi dokumenti. Ključne besede: vojaška strategija, proces izdelave vojaške strategije, Vojaška strategija Republike Slovenije Abstract The article presents the process of developing the Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia within the Slovenian Armed Forces, with the aim of building historical memory, and in strengthening belief that defence and security are a continual process that cannot be subjected to everyday political mood, but must be a well-planned process, departmentally coordinated at all levels, which is finally written into a strategy. NATO and the EU are intensively adopting new defence and military strategies, followed by the Republic of Slovenia with its first proposal of a Military Strategy. A key role in writing the proposed strategy was played by the process within the Slovenian Armed Forces, which ensured the strengthening and systematization of military thought, the synchronization of its understanding, and harmonization with defence-military documents. Key words: military strategy, process of drafting military strategy, Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia
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