The ethylene and propene homopolymerization was investigated by means of the C,-symmetric [2,4-cyclopentadien-1-ylidene(isopropylidene)fluoren-9-ylidene]zirconium dichloride/ methylaluminoxane (iPr[FluCp]ZrCl,/MAO) and the C,-symmetric [(dimethylsilylene)bis(q5inden-1-ylidene)]zirconium dichloride/methylaluminoxane (Me,Si[Ind]2ZrC12/MAO) catalyst systems in toluene. Surprisingly, the C,-symmetric catalyst polymerizes propene faster than ethylene. The main results of the kinetic analysis are a first-order dependence on the concentration of Zr but a bell-shape in the plot of the polymerization rate versus log([Al] : [Zr]). This is true for both catalyst systems. Furthermore with increasing [All : [Zr] ratio the fraction of rmrr pentads is decreased continuously with the C,-symmetric catalyst; in the same direction the molecular weights are decreased. On the contrary with the C,-symmetric catalyst the stereospecificity and the molecular weights remain constant. The kinetic results reflect the complex role of the MAO, i. e. the existence of sterically more and more tight contact species between metallocene and MA0 components with increasing [All : [Zr] ratio. The different behaviour of the two catalyst systems concerning stereospecificity and molecular weights of the polymers are due to different symmetry and different size of the angle between the planes of the n-ligand systems. Chirale ansa-lirconocen-Komplexe in Kombination rnit Methylaluminoxan (MAO) erfahren in jungerer &it ein enormes Interesse bezuglich des Ablaufs der stereospezifischen Polymerisation mit loslichen Ziegler-Katalysatoren. Bei den Versuchen einer mechanistischen Interpretation wird aber meist die Metallocen-Komponente zu sehr allein betrachtet und das Zusammenspiel rnit der MAO-Komponente zu wenig berucksichtigt, bzw. die Kinetik dieser Systeme nicht analysiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Ethylen-und Propenhomopolymerisation rnit den MAO-aktivierten Katalysatorsystemen [2,4-Cyclopentadien-l-yliden(isopropyliden)fluoren-9-yliden]zirconiumdichlorid (iPr [FluCplZrCl,) ' -3) und [(Dimethylsilylen)bis(~5-inden-l-yliden)]zirconiumdichlorid (Me,Si[Ind],ZrC1,)4-6) in Toluol bei 25 "C mit Hilfe kinetischer und produktanalytischer Methoden unter Variation der Parameter Metallocen-, MAO-und Monomerkonzentration untersucht. Die genauen Polymerisationsbedingungen sind im Experimentellen Teil beschrieben. a) Part 5 : N. Herfert, G. Fink, Makromol. Chem. 193, 773 (1992). b, iPr[FluCp]ZrC12 = [2,4-Cyclopentadien-l-yliden(isopropyliden)fluoren-9-yliden]zirconiumdichlorid. MA0 = Methylaluminoxan. Me,Si[Ind],ZrCI, = [(Dimethylsilylen)bis(q5-inden-1 -yliden)]zirconiumdichlorid. 0 1992, Hiithig & Wepf Verlag, Basel CCC 0025-1 16)92/$05.00