The reactivity of singly and doubly selenium-bridged complexes containing two Cp*Rh(CO) fragments (Cp" = q5-C,Me,) has been investigated under various conditions. The addition of SO, to Cp*,Rh,(CO),(p-Se)gives a novel p-SeSO, ligand, whose structure was determined by an X-ray diffraction study. The complexes Cp*,Rb,(CO),(p-E), (E = S, Se) undergo a disproportionation reaction in solution: the clusters Cp*,Rh,( p3-CO)(p3-E) were isolated and structurally characterized, whereas the remaining soluble, presumably mononuclear species was only detected by IR spectroscopy. In contrast, Cp*,Rh2(CO),(p-Se), dimerizes upon warming to give Cp*,Rh,(~3-Se), with the loss of its CO groups. The 72-e heterocubane clusters Cp*,CozRh,Se, and Cp*,Co,Se, have been synthesized from Cp*,CoM(CO),Se, (M = Co, Rh). The cluster Cp*,Rh,(CO), was isolated as a further byproduct from the synthesis of C~*,Rh,(co)~.The IR spectra and the X-ray crystallographic study show that the complex contains one p3-C0 and two p2-C0 ligands.
Zusammenf assung
Es wurde dieReal&&it von einfach und doppelt selenverbrtickten Komplexen mit Cp*Rh(CO)-Fragmenten (Cp" = $'-C,Me,) unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten untersucht. Die Addition von SO, an Cp*,Rh,(CO),(&3e) verlauft unter Bildung eines neuartigen p-SeSO,-Liganden, dessen Struktur durch Rijntgenstrukturanalyse bestimmt wurde. Die Komplexe Cp*2Rhz(CO),(~-E),(E = S, Se) unterliegen in LGsung einer Disproportionierungsreaktion: Die Cluster Cp*,Rh,( p3-CO)(p3-E) konnen isoliert und strukturell charakterisiert werden, w%hrend eine in