The main elements of the underground method of mineral mining are, of course, mine werkings by means of which there is effected a manifold technological complex: access to the mineral, its working, transport, supply of energy and materials, etc.It has been found that, despite this technological variety of functions, a network of mine workings is formed mainly on the basis of the transport characteristic of each particular mine field [1]. This characteristic takes account of the dimensions and configuration of the mine field, the volume (or weight) of mineral and its distribution over the field, and~finally, the metric* of the transport planes.In general, any underground mi~ral mining technology can be represented on three transport planes: in the plane of occurrence of the mineral (Pai}; in the plane of concentration of the haulage levels (PI~j); and in the plane of the bad-raising mine shafts (PTn).The presence of these three planes, each of which has its own technological metric (M w M 8, MT), shows that the mine field as a whole cannot be regarded from the aspect of a single metric. A rare exception will clearly be the case in whichi.e., when both the output shaft and the network of transport workings lie in the plane of occurrence of the mineral. However, even Eq. (1) is not suf~cient for the technological metrics Mcc M B, M 7 to be identical over the whole mine field. For instance, the metric of coal hoisting shafts (Ivl 7) is linear and very simple ( Fig. 1):
M v (T O , H) and :~d.,, (a, b) --ha 4-h o _ Hand for this reason it will be identical with metrics M a and M/3 exceedingly rarely even with condition (1).The metric Ma(c~*, hue, h e, I ) is determined by the various conditions of occurrence of the mineral and the technological parameters otea large number of systems of working.The metric MIS(•*, lcc' I, L, Lcr) is the metric of the transport (concentration) horizons or in other words the metric of the network of opening-up workings. We found that in multihorimn working of coal or ore deposits the most suitable metric M B is rectangular (orthogonal) (