The need to study constitutional-exterior features of dairy cattle is due, of course, established in many studies to their positive connectivity with performance and lasting economic use. The vast majority of scientists-breeders thinks, that breeding cattle by technological features should determine the basic direction of work in farming on the threshold of XXI century. Based from the above, the aim of the research was to evaluate the productive and technological features cattle of dairy breeds combined with linear estimation from the body type. The study focused on linear estimation of cattle dairy breeds by the type of body structure and study their impact on economically useful traits – don’t have any doubts.The study was conducted in pedigree cattle breeding farms of Holstein, Ukrainian black- and red-white dairy breeds in stock of 1300 cows. Linear evaluation of cows by external type carried from the method of Hmelnychyi L.M. developed by employees of Institute to breeding and animal genetics. Comparative evaluation of animals for productive characteristics held within the breeding herds and genealogical groups. In the course of the work done was applied genealogical, population, genetics and mathematical methods Study of frequency heritability, variability, estimation of genotype of animals and other classical research methods. A statistical analysis result of research was conducted on algorithms N.A. Plohinskyi.Cows first calves Ukrainian red- and black-white dairy breeds are characterized by the following measurements articles: the height at the withers and sacrum 132.7&132,2 and 141,1 & 140,8 cm, with well-developed breasts in depth (72.0 and 71.5 cm), width (44.6 and 43.1 cm) and girth (189.9 and 187.9 cm), with extensive backwards in tubers of Ilium (51.3 and 50.9 cm) and in buttocks (34.6 and 35.2 cm). Spit length of rump was 52.5 and 51.8 cm, and body length - 162.4 and 161.2 cm. First-born Holstein breed exceeded peers Ukrainian dairy breeds by the withers height on (1.4 and 1.9 cm) and a sacrum (1.2 and 1.5 cm), by breast depth 1.1 and 1.6 cm, but they are inferior on the basis of the width of the breast, especially in comparison with cattle Ukrainian red-white milk breed (1.8 cm). Holstein animals differed broader backwards in tubers of Ilium (0.3 and 0.7 cm), in the hipbone (0.3 and 0.4 cm) and in buttocks (by 2.0 and 1.1 cm), and longer by 1.2 and 2.4 cm trunk, by chest girth of 2.4 and 4.4 cm.Large coefficients of variation measurements describing the distance from the bottom of the udder to hock (Cv = 33,2 - 42,3%), between the front (Cv = 24,2 - 28,1%), back (Cv = 33,3 - 53,9%) and side teat (Cv = 19,1 - 27,0%) indicate the level of not consolidation studied animal herds on these characteristics. Comparative characteristics of the firstborn cow’s udder Ukrainian red- and black-white dairy breeds shows, that animal’s udder great and makes for girth - 132.4 and 135.3 cm, length - 38.7 and 40.0 cm and width - 29.9 and 32.3 cm with advantage of reliable peers Ukrainian black-white dairy cattle for the circumference of 2.9 cm (TD = 2.41), length - 1.3 cm (td = 1,74) and width - 2.4 cm (td = 4,56). Most of the morphological features of the udder is in the positive connection with the largest yield per lactation. These include the circumference (r = 0,430 and 0.335) length (r = 0,376 and 0.353), width (r = 0,347 and 0.232) and depth of the front quarters (r = 0,160 and 0.166).The estimated population of the first-calves is characterized by rather high rates, then ranging within 1.85 - 1.90 kg / min. exceeding the maximum target standards for Ukrainian dairy breeds 0.05 - 0.10 kg / min. During the breeding to improve dairy breeds is important to know and take into account the relationship between the magnitude and intensity of milking yield. When examined the effect of daily yield on the intensity of milk found, that the highest daily yield, the more intense cow milk off. This high correlation coefficients (r = 0,438 - 0,511) in large samples with high reliability (td = 6.11 – 7.87). Share heredity influence the total variability measurements articles of udder varies widely. Most udder traits are positive in relation to the size of yield and total yield of milk fat. A high level of heritability coefficients udder morphological characteristics sufficient for efficient breeding of dairy cattle and there was a positive correlation between the main floors of the udder and the largest yield provide breeding aimed at improvement.
Scientific and production experiments were carried out on cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White diary breed (UBAWD) of SE "Seagull" (branch "Lisne") during 2016–2017. The anatomical and physiological state of genital organs of cows was determined by the method of clinical and gynecological research of animals before conducting experiments and during them every 40–50 days. In total 486 cows were kept under control, which were kept in typical rooms with running platforms, but the active motivation of animals was clearly insufficient. Feeding cows according to the recommended standards. The milk yield from the cow in 2017 was 7813 kg. The experiments studied the effect of feeding cows during the dry period, the conditions of retention and some other paratypic factors on the course of the genera and the postnatal period, the duration of the service period and the fertility of cows. In analyzing the research results, personal records and veterinary documentation were used. In conducting experiments, it was found that normal calving was in 89% of cows, and severe and pathological – in 11% of cases. The main diseases in the afterlife period were: detention of the litter – 9.5%, postpartum endometritis – 21.5%, hypofunction of the ovaries – 23.0%, persistent yellow ovarian bodies – 25.6% and others. Normal intervals between stages of excitation of the sexual cycle (18–22 days) were in 63% of cows, and violations of the rhythm of sexual cycle, associated with dysfunction of the ovaries and missed the hunt – 30% of animals. Subunvulation of the genital organs of the cows contributed to the diseases of the limbs, udder and digestive disorders. During 2016–2017, the effect of feeding cows (173 g.) in the dry period on the course of calving, post-autumn period and their fertility was studied. Under the same conditions, keeping cows in the maternity ward and feeding rough and succulent feeds concentrated feeds fed cows of the control group (98 heads) to 1–2 kg daily during the dry period, and experimental (75 heads) – for 18–20 days to calving 2–3 kg. A positive difference was found in favor of cows of the experimental group: there was a more active stage of expulsion of the fetus, less delay of the placenta (by 7%) and endometritis (by 12%), the duration of the postoperative regenerative period decreased by 8.6 days; service period – 19.0 days; fertility from two inseminans was higher by 5.7%. Study of the reproductive capacity of cows at the hotel in different seasons showed that the recovery period was shorter by 11 days in the presence of cows in 3–4 quarters, and the service period – by 23.2 days at hotel in I and IV sq. The average duration of the recovery period was 79.5 days, while the service period was 123.4 days. The longest duration of the joint ventricle was in cows at hotel during the hot summer days of the year. The average fertilization rate from the first insemination of 339 cows was 44.9% with fluctuations in individual groups of milkers from 26.8% to 55.0%. The following indicators were in the number 1 and number 3 (respectively 26.8% and 31.4%). The best fertility rates were in groups № 4, 6 and 7, where there were more cows of the second and third lactation, and the responsible attitude of the milkers to work in organizing cows walks and sexually explicit hunting. When comparing the assessment of the duration of the IP and SP in full-age cows and cows, the first-born, taking into account 225 goals. It was found that these indicators were longer in primitive cows – 20.7 days respectively and 21.9 days in relation to full-age cows. The obtained results are completely consistent with the results obtained by a number of both domestic and foreign researchers. More attention is needed to grow heifers and to prepare newborns for delivery. In 15–17% of cows at and after the hotel, gynecological diseases that occurred in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, lameness, mastitis and others were diagnosed. This has negatively affected the overall performance of the herd. In studying the duration of HP and SP in healthy and sick cows after calving, it was found that if the SP in healthy cows lasts 73.4 days, then in patients – 116.3 days (the difference was 42.9 days), and the difference in the duration of the joint venture reached 98.7 days. On the basis of the results of the research, it can be concluded that the reproductive function of the cows is influenced by such paratypic factors as feeding animals in the dry period, the temperature factor (time of year), the human factor (the effect of milking on a group of cows), age and physiological state of cows in the hotel and in the afterlife period. When feeding 2–3 kg of bovine feed for cows, together with rough and juicy fodder for 18–20 days prior to calving, the recovery period decreased by 8.6 days and service period – by 19 days, and fertility from two inseminals increased by 5.7%, reaching 85.3%. The smallest duration of the service-period was in the presence of cows in the I and IV quarters year (107.7–117.1 days). In primary cows, the recovery period was longer than that of full-age cows by 20.7 days, and the service period was 21.9 days. In the physiologically healthy cows after calving, the recovery period lasted an average of 73.4 days and service period – 98.7 days, and in patients, after the prescribed treatment – respectively 116.3 days and 197.4 days.
The purpose of the research was to study the effects of feeding different amounts of whole milk and the feeding of high quality feed on the development of heifers and their reproductive capacity and productivity of cows. The research was carried out at farm property "Chayka" (branch "Lisne" and "Chemer") on heifers of the Ukrainian black-and-white milk breed and "Shupiki" and "Agrarian Investment Union" (AIU) on the heifers of the Ukrainian red-and-white milk breed. Three schemes were used for drawing whole milk to calves. In the "Lisne" pumped 260 kg of milk for 65 days; "Chemer" – 310 kg for 45 days; "Shupiki" and "AIU" – 360 kg for 90 days. When conducting experiments, it was found that the average live weight of calves in 3 months. The age was 100,97 + 0,893 kg; in 6 months – 166.17 + 1,794 kg; in 9 months – 239.23 + 2.831 kg, in 12 months – 308,60 + 3,648 kg in 15 months – 371,50 + 5,008 kg. There was no special difference in the live weight of calves, drinking 310 and 360 kg of milk. Average daily gain of heifers were, in the main, within 660-895 g. in 3 months. The age of somewhat higher was the live weight of calves, who drank a large amount of whole milk. Through a clinical examination of calves and weighing, it was found that, on average, up to 80 kg live weight had 5.2% calves, from 81 to 100 kg 43.5%, and more than 100 kg – 51.3%. At the age of 3 months. A greater number of calves (52.8–69.1%) had a live weight of over 100 kg, and lagged in growth from 2.4 to 9.8%. More lag (9.2%) was in the group of calves, drinking 260 kg of milk (P > 0.999). In the experiments, the development and productivity of the daughters of the separate bulls of the Holstein breed of red-and-white suit was studied. Somewhat larger live weight had a heifer under the nickname "Lukka" at birth (39.2 kg) and within 3–15 months. Dairy productivity was higher among the daughters of the bug "Kantsler" (for 305 days of the first lactation 7438.7 kg). The duration of the service period on average was 142.7 days. On the chickens of 2014–2015 births at the state enterprise "Chemer" (Ukrainian black-and-white milk breed) and "Shupiki" (Ukrainian red-and-white milk breed) found that puberty occurs in 24–30% calves at the age of 9–10 months. Among the 700 goals. Stewed heifers were detected 6.4% with abnormalities of genital organs. In the study of fertilization of well-developed heifers 13–16 months. Age (459 with a live weight of 365–380 kg), it was found that the average fertility from the first insemination was 73.6%. It was better to have younger heifers (83–89%) with high live weight for fertilization. Total from 13 to 16 months. 84.3% of heifers were impregnated with age, and the rest were later. In the experiments, the milk productivity of cows of the Ukrainian black-and-white milk breed (512 lactas) and Ukrainian red-and-white milk breeds (406 lactations) was analyzed. Indicators indicate satisfactory milk productivity of cows for the first two lactations (over 7.5 thousand kg) under different schemes for giving to calves of milk. Conclusions: Feeding calves from 260 to 360 kg of whole milk and feeding the premature feed or full-grain granules provides their normal development in 90,2–97,6% of calves with daily increments of 660–895 g. The heifers which drank 310–360 kg milk smaller increments were observed in some calves of all groups after the milking period (from three to six months). The average fertility index of heifers from the first insemination is 73.6%. The best results are observed in heifers 13-15 months. Age for live weight 365–380 kg. The conditions of growing and feeding the experimental heifers in the milk and after-milk periods provide a relatively satisfactory milk yield (on average more than 7.5 thousand kg) of cows.
It is determined that at present the largest share of the total activity of radionuclides in biogeocenosis is concentrated in soil: 86.27% — in wet pinewoods; and 98.88% — in wet sudubravas. It was determined that migration of radionuclides to woody plants in wet sudubravas is considerably less than that observed in wet bory. Thus, in 2012, the forest stand in wet sudubravas contained only 0.12% of 137Cs total activity in biogeocenosis. In wet pinewoods this ratio is much higher — 7.48% (by 62.3 times). The analysis of the distribution of the total activity of 137Cs in phytocenosis of the studied types of forest conditions showed that the highest radionuclide content is observed in the forest stand. 137Cs content in the plants lower layer is much lower. As it has been already mentioned, the value of the radionuclide specific activity in these plants is higher than in tree organs and parts of trees. But the mass of the tree layer is much bigger than the mass of any layer of plants located lower. Thus, the comparison of the mass of plants and the specific activity of the radionuclides in plants of each plant layer makes it possible to give preference to the first index in the distribution of the total activity in phytocenosis.
В статті розглянуто ініціативу розвитку індустріальних парків, зокрема в напрямку трансрегіонального співробітництва між КНР та Сінгапуром (індустріальний парк "м. Сучжоу – Сінгапур", а також КНР та Білорусією (індустріальний парк “GreatStone”). Здійснено моніторинг розвитку індустріальних парків на території Китаю (індустріальний парк "Lianyungang Xinpu", індустріальний парк в Ханчжоу) та України (КП "Індустріальний парк "Рогань", "Індустріальний парк "Свєма", а також індустріальні парки “Industrial Forpost”, "Славута", "Чексіл"). Визначено тенденції функціонування індустріальних парків, а також спільні та відмінні риси їх розвитку в КНР та в Україні. Перспективним напрямком є створення українсько-китайських індустріальних парків, тому проаналізовано особливості їх створення та функціонування, пріоритетні напрямки та ризики. Визначено особливості кластерних ініціатив, які розглянуто на прикладі України та КНР в аспекті галузевого розвитку. Розглянуто моделі формування державної кластерної політики. Проаналізовано особливості функціонування високотехнологічної і низькотехнологічної кластерної політики. В теоретико-методологічному аспекті розглянуто типологію діючих кластерів Здійснено моніторинг функціонування кластерів на території України та КНР. Визначено пріоритетні напрямки їхнього подальшого розвитку та ризики. Розглянуто досвід розробки спеціальних програм функціонування кластерів в КНР та Україні. Окрему увагу приділено питанню кооперації між Торгово-промисловою палатою (ТПП) і кластерами в КНР та в Україні. Визначено інституційно-правові засади функціонування організаційних форм інноваційної діяльності реального сектору економіки України та КНР, зокрема на прикладі індустріальних парків (у тому числі законодавчий пакет №№2554 а-д та 2555 а-д), а також кластерів. Розроблено пропозиції щодо особливостей подальшого їх створення, розвитку.
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