4contrast to the noise-immune systems, binary, decimal and other, similar to them, usual number systems do not possess information redundancy. But they have simple structure, which simplifies their fulfillment of arithmetical and logical operations. Especially distinguished by its simplicity is the binary number system, which, due to it, is so wide-spread today in the practice for developing digital devices and systems.In some cases, the number systems with information redundancy, in addition to providing noise immunity to the digital devices that use it, increase their performance speed while solving a number of special problems. As a result, there appears a possibility for the digital systems, which use such devices, to achieve, in the same codes, a start-to-finish control of information processing and transmission. Their efficiency thus considerably increases both from the point of view of the control of errors in the data processed by them, and the speed of their processing. In this case, a required amount of hardware expenses can be reduced, which, in its turn, leads to the improved reliability of the systems. A useful feature of digital devices, which function in the noise-immune number systems, is also the fact that the redundancy in them, necessary for detection of errors, is evenly distributed in the structures of their schemes, which gives them homogeneity, and, therefore, technological efficiency of their 4 O.