The condensation of 3,4-hi~12-halocthoxy)benzaldehydcs vdth -~cyclic mo)-z,lkancdithiols in the presence of alkali metal c41boflill~2s ill dJT ethanol. DMF, McCN and their ltliXltlrcs with water give,; t'ormyl derivati,,cs of benzothiacmwn c()mpoulld.', ill high yields. ]he best results arc alLHned ,ahcn the radius of the hydrated metal cation ills to tile crown ether cavity. Ill tile caste of Cs". high yield.,, v, crc ob~,cr~cd lbr crown ethers of an} size and compo:,ition: this can bc explained by a spccillc templatc effect of IhJ',; CaHOI1. The illflucncc of the nalurc of the leaving group in 3.4-bist2-halocthoxylbcnz-Hdchydes was established for reactions wilh dithiols conLmfiag no ether oxygen aloms.Key words: 3.4-bis(2-halocthoxy)benzaldchydcs: r alkali metal carbonales: tcn-~ptatc clti:ct: l~.wmyl derivatives of bcnzolhiacrowll ct)lllpoullds..The main types of rltacrncvciic sulfides are thiacrown compounds, thiacryptands, and thiacyclophanes. I-2 ]'he rapt attention to sulft~r-containing macrohclcrocyclcs is due to their capability of sciectivc formation of strong complexes with transition and heavy nletal cations. 3,4The~,c compounds can also be of interest as intermediates in the s vnthesis of polymers with titiacrown fragments, selective chromogcnic arid photochromic reagents for nlclal cati()lls, and cxtractants Ibr the separation of metal sails.Ahhough the first representatives of bcnzocrow~l compounds containing various combinations of sulfur and oxygen in the macrocyclc ,acre synthesized in thc early 70s. 5 it was not tHltil recently that methods lot thc preparation ofbcnzothiacrown con]pounds havil]g a lililCtional group in the benzene ring were developed. 6,7 For example, 4" -tbrmylbcnzodithia-15( I 8)-crown-5(6) were prepared by mctallatkm of bromo benzodithiacrown dcri,,ativcs by n-buLvllithium followed by thc rcaction of organolithium derivatives with DM F.In this work aimed at developing a more convenicnt method for the preparation of the formvl derivatives of benzocrown compounds with different numbers of O. S. and C atoms m the macrocycle, we carried out condensation of 3,4-bisl'2-halocthoxyJbcnzaldehydes la,b with terminal dithiols 2a--e in the presence of alkali metal carbonates ISchemc I).l'hc required dithiols 2a--c are commercial chemicals. 3,6-Dithiaoctane-1,8-dithiol (2d), 3.6.9-trioxaundecanc-1,11 -dithiol (2e). 3.4-bis(2-chloroethoxy)benzaldehyde (la), and 1,2-bis(2-chlomethoxy)bcnzenc (4b) were synthesized by known proccdt, rcs. 8-tl Dichloride la and diiodidc lb were prepared according to Scheme 2.