Composition of fatty acids, tocopherols, sterols, and TAGs in the lipids of flax, perilla, and chia seeds were investigated where lipid content was at 45, 40, and 35%, respectively. a-Linolenic acid (ALA) dominated among fatty acids in all oils and accounted for 58.2, 60.9, and 59.8% in flax, perilla, and chia, correspondingly in these three oils trilinolenin was the main TAG found at 19.7, 22.6, and 21.3%. Triunsaturated TAGs accounted for 77.9, 77.5, and 74.5% of the total amounts in flax, perilla, and chia oils. Contents of tocopherol were at 747 in flax, 734 in perilla, and 446 mg/kg in chia seed lipids. g-Tocopherol was the dominating isomer contributing 72.7% in flax, 94.3% in perilla, and 94.4% in chia to the total amount of tocopherols. Flaxseed lipids contained 25.6% of plastochromanol-8, derivative of g-tocotrienol with longer side chain; perilla and chia oils contained only 1.4% of it. Phytosterols were present at 4072, 4606, and 4132 mg/kg in those seeds, respectively. Among sterols, b-sitosterol dominated and was found at 35.6, 73.3, and 49.8% of the total amounts of sterols in flax, perilla, and chia seed lipids. All of the investigated oilseeds have an excellent nutritional quality and can be a potential source of nutraceutical fats which can enrich diet in linolenic acid and other functional components.