Ilmenite, hematite, garnet, monazite, zircon, rutile, magnetite, sillimanite, pyroxene and amphibole from the beach sands of Ekakula, Gahiramatha coast, Orissa, India are reported here for the first time. Their total concentration varies from 26. 4 to 100%. Ilmenite, monazite and zircon are between 100 and 300 um in size and are well rounded in shape. Ilmenite‐hematite intergrowth is common. Ilmenite has 50. 02–54. 73% TiO2, 42. 42–46. 90% FeO (total Fe) and small amounts of Al, Mn, Mg, Ca, Ba, Si, V, Cr, and Zn. The bulk samples contain 10. 63–41. 42 % TiO2, 6. 15–26. 07 % FeO, 5. 86–16. 75 % Fe2O3, 7. 41–61. 74 % SiO2, 1. 39–12. 83% A12O3, 0. 32–4. 97% CaO, 0. 53–4. 24% P2O5, 0. 17–3. 27% MgO, 0. 15–2. 97% Na2O, 0. 07–2. 34% K2O, and 0. 05–0. 71% V2O5 together with appreciable amounts of La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Y, U, Th, Zr, and trace amounts of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Cr. Khondalite, charnockite, calc‐silicate granulite, leptynite, migmatite, gneiss, basic granulite and pegmatite of the Eastern Ghats appear to be the major source for the above heavy mineral assemblages. The samples are amenable to gravity and magnetic methods of beneficiation.