From the stems of Alhagi pseudalhagi (BIEB.) DESV. (Leguminosae, Lotoidae), seven ,B-phenethylamines and one tetrahydro-isoquinoline were isolated. T h e compounds were identified by m.p. of the parent compounds and their derivatives, where possible, co-TLC with authentic markers, and spectral properties. T h e alkaloids are ,B-phenethylamine ( I ) , N-methyl-p-phenethylamine (Il), N-methyltyramine (Ill), hordenine (IV), 3 : 4-dihydroxy-p-phenethyltrirnethylammonicrm hydroxide (V), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-,!?-phenethyltrimethylammonium hydroxide (Vl), N-methylmescaline (VII), and salsolidine (VIII). This is the first report of occurrence of (VI) in nature and of any 3,4,5-trioxygenated ,B-phenethylamine, e.g., (VII), in the family Leguminosae. The roots afforded essentially the same alkaloids as the stems but in different quantities. The phylogenetic significance o f the cooccurrence o f the eight alkaloids in a single plant species, A. pseudalhagi, is appraised in the light of ,,parallelism" and complexities int/olved. Detailed pharmacological screening of the total alkaloids from the stems were conducted which showed essentially sympathotnimetic activity. The results would further seem to indicate that the therapeutic properies ascribed to the plant extracts are due to the contained alkaloids.In connection with search for active principles of Indian medicinal plants (GHOSAL, 1972), we had occasion to investigate the alkaloidal' constituents of Alhagi pseudalhagi (BIEB.) DESV. (Syn. A. camelorum FISCH., A. maurorum BAKER) Leguminosae: Lotoidae). A. psertdalhagi is a low erect shrub, widely distributed in the gangetic plains of India. The plant is bitter and acrid with a distinct flavour and finds uses in the Indian system of medicine for a variety of purposes (KIRTIKAR and BASU, 1932;CHOPRA et al., 1956). The extracts of the stems and roots are used as a refrigerant, an antipyretic, as a stimulant, laxative, diuretic, and in the treatment of certain brain affection and bronchitis. Interest for the detailed chemical and pharmacological evaluation of the plant was piqued Downloaded by: University of Illinois. Copyrighted material.