Based on relevant documents and in-depth interview from various authorities, this study reveals four-dimension of findings. Firstly, with regard to foreign worker policy, it is found that the policy'sobjectives and goals of all the three provinces are clear, but the goals and objectives are notsuccessfully reached. The study reflects that such goals and objectives do not stipulate problem alleviation approaches, and also are stillin form of the routine annual shortterm ones. In terms of the policy compliance to achieve the goals, each province complies with the governmental national approach. In addition, the provincial governors are allowed to annex this approach with provincial policy to meet economic demands of each province based on problem-oriented approach. Moreover, the committee from relevant authorities should be established to ease the problem locally. Secondly, with regard to resources, it is found that all the provinces have sufficient financial resources, but are lack of tools, equipment, operating sites, as well as personnel. Thirdly, with regard to the authorities implementing policy, it is found that there are five major direct authorities: the provincial offices of employment, the provincial offices of public health, the provincial immigration offices, the citizen registration offices, and the military authorities. All these parties employ the laws and regulations they are governed individually whichleads to the irrelevancy of the processes. Lastly, as far as circumstancesare concerned, in terms of the economic dimension, border trade there contributes to 80% of Thai-Cambodian commerce. On the social dimension perspective, as a result of illegal immigration and illegal status, many opportunities and rights of the alien workers are prohibited. Thus, in terms of the political dimension, it has an impact on the foreign worker policy annually.