Este diagndstico debe ser tomado en consideracidn en cualquier paciente con hipertension endocraneana, supuracidn de oidos y evidencia radiobgica de una enfermedad mastoidea. Cuando se reconoce pronto y se trata enseguida, el prondstico de una recuperacidn completa parece bueno. REFERENCES Altman, J., Winkelmann, R. K. (1963) 'Xanthomatous cutaneous lesions of histiocytosis X.' Archives of Dermatology, 87, 164. Boddie, H. G., Banna, M., Bradley, W. B. (1974) "'Benign" intracranial hypertension-a survey of the clinical and radiologic features and long-term prognosis.' Brain, 97, 31 3. Buchheit, W. A., Burton, C., Haag, B., Shaw, D. (1969) 'Papilledema and idiopathic intracranial hypertension.' New England Journal of Medicine, 280, 938. Cohn, A. M., Sataloff, J., Lindsay, J. R. (1970) 'Histiocytosis X (Letterer-Siwe disease) with involvement of the inner ear.' Archives of Otolaryngology, 91, 24. Feinberg, S. B., Langer, L. 0. (1965) 'Roentgen findings of increased intracranial pressure and communicating hydrocephalus as insidious manifestations of chronic histiocytosis X.' American Journal of Roentgenology, 95, 41. Foley, J. (1955) 'Benign forms of intracranial hypertension, "toxic" and "otitic" hydrocephalus.' Brain, 78, 1. Glatt, M. A. (1946) 'Xanthoma or lipoid granuloma of the temporal bone (Hand-Christian-Schiler syndrome).' Archives of Otolaryngology, 43, 110. Greer, M. (1962) 'Benign intracranial hypertension. I. Mastoiditis and lateral sinus obstruction.' Neurology, 12,472. -(1967) 'Benign intracranial hypertension (pseudo-tumor cerebri).'Eosinophilic granuloma of skin and mucous mem-McGavran, M. H., Spady, H. A. (1960) 'Eosinophilic granuloma of bone: A study of twenty-eight cases.' Martin, T. H. (1969) 'Solitary eosinophilic granuloma of the temporal bone-a case report.' Laryngoscope, Rosenwasser, H. (1940) 'Lipoid granulomatosis (Hand-Schiiller-Christian disease) involving the middle Schuknecht, H. F., Perlman, H. B. (1948) 'Hand-Schiiller-Christian disease and eosinophilic granuloma brane: association with diabetes insipidus.' Archives of Dermatology, 75,45. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 42A, 979. 70,2165. ear and temporal bone.' Archives of Otolaryngology, 32, 1045. of the skull.' Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Luryngology, 57, 643.