Gene expression profiles were assessed in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, superior-frontal gyrus, and postcentral gyrus across the lifespan of 55 cognitively intact individuals aged 20 -99 years. Perspectives on global gene changes that are associated with brain aging emerged, revealing two overarching concepts. First, different regions of the forebrain exhibited substantially different gene profile changes with age. For example, comparing equally powered groups, 5,029 probe sets were significantly altered with age in the superiorfrontal gyrus, compared with 1,110 in the entorhinal cortex. Prominent change occurred in the sixth to seventh decades across cortical regions, suggesting that this period is a critical transition point in brain aging, particularly in males. Second, clear gender differences in brain aging were evident, suggesting that the brain undergoes sexually dimorphic changes in gene expression not only in development but also in later life. Globally across all brain regions, males showed more gene change than females. Further, Gene Ontology analysis revealed that different categories of genes were predominantly affected in males vs. females. Notably, the male brain was characterized by global decreased catabolic and anabolic capacity with aging, with down-regulated genes heavily enriched in energy production and protein synthesis/transport categories. Increased immune activation was a prominent feature of aging in both sexes, with proportionally greater activation in the female brain. These data open opportunities to explore age-dependent changes in gene expression that set the balance between neurodegeneration and compensatory mechanisms in the brain and suggest that this balance is set differently in males and females, an intriguing idea.entorhinal cortex ͉ hippocampus ͉ microarray ͉ sex differences ͉ superior frontal gyrus A ging is associated with mild changes in cognitive capacity even in cognitively intact humans, including declines in memory and executive function that are associated with the hippocampus (HC) and frontal cortex. Paradoxically, these age-related changes in cognitive function are not well accounted for by corresponding age-related neuron loss and synaptic change in cortical or temporal structures. For example, despite reductions in cortical thickness, unbiased stereological assessment reveals that overall neuronal number in the human brain declines Ͻ10% over the age range of 20-90 years (1), and cortical neuron and synapse numbers are relatively maintained. Although the hilus of the HC does appear to undergo mild age-related neuron loss, other hippocampal subregions show increased dendritic and synaptic complexity with in-