Three strains of Gram-negative, obligately aerobic, moderately thermophilic, CO-utilizing bacteria have been isolated by enrichment at 45-55 "C in mineral medium under CO, H2 and air. The properties of the strains, designated C2, S1 and FE, suggest that they should be included in a single species that we have named Pseudomonas thermocarboxydovorans. The isolates can grow on CO and a limited range of organic and amino acids; neither sugars nor H2/C02 support growth and €I2 is not oxidized. Strain C2 contains a soluble, inducible C0:phenazine ethosulphate oxidoreductase, lacks hydrogenase and assimilates CO via ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. The organism apparently contains a mechanism for assimilating phosphoglycollate.
Pseudomonas carboxydovorans, P . carboxydoflava, P . carboxydohydrogena, P . gazotropha,Cornomonas compransoris and Achromobacter carboxydus, can utilize CO as sole carbon and energy source (Kim & Hegeman, 1983;Meyer & Schlegel, 1983). These bacteria are Gramnegative, mostly mesophilic and, with the exception of A . carboxydus, able to grow autotrophically with hydrogen (H,) and carbon dioxide (CO,). This paper describes the isolation, characterization and growth of three strains of a novel thermophilic species of carboxydobacterium.Abbreviations: API 20E, API ZYM and API 5OCH refer to the bacteriological test strips supplied by API Laboratory Products, Grafton Way, Basingstoke, Hants, UK ; PES, phenazine ethosulphate; PHB, poly-Qhydroxybutyrate; DCPIP, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol.