It is shown that electro (magneto) static sector of Maxwell's electrodynamics coupled to the dilaton field in a string theory form possesses the symmetry group of the stationary General Relativity in vacuum. Performing the Ernst formalism, we develope a technique for generation of exact solutions in this modified electrodynamics on the base of the normalized Ehlers symmetry transformation. In the electrostatic case, we construct and study a general class of spherically symmetric solutions that describes a point-like sourse of the Coulomb type. It is shown that this source is characterized by asymptotical freedom of the electrostatic interaction at short distances. Also it is established that the total electrostatic energy of this source is finite and inversely proportional to the dilaton-Maxwell coupling constant.
An effective potential is created for the dynamics of a test particle, which preserves dilatation symmetry for nonlinear static dilaton-Maxwell background. It is found that the central interaction in this theory is singularity-free everywhere; it vanishes at short distances and demonstrates Coulomb behavior far from the source. It is shown that static and spherically symmetric source behaves like a soliton: it has the finite energy characteristics that are inversely proportional to the dilaton-Maxwell coupling constant.
The sigma model with dilaton and axion is generalized by including in it a potential that is invariant under the global transformation of the dilaton shift. In the (1 + 1)-dimensional case, a soliton is constructed, which turned out to be an axion-type kink (anti-kink) with a nontrivial distribution of the dilaton field. The solution is obtained for an arbitrary value of the dilaton-axion coupling constant, and its mass is found.