Variable-temperature 'H N M R studies of the oxoalkoxides, WO(OR), (R = Me, Et, Pr', or cyc/o-C,H,,), show these compounds to be dynamic in solution. For R = M e or Et, limiting spectra have been obtained which are consistent with alkoxide-bridged binuclear structures, and for R = M e or cyc/o-C,H,,, X-ray diffraction studies confirm that these structures are adopted in the solid state. The alkoxide bridges are asymmetric [R = Me, 2.032(7) and 2.242(12) A (average); R = cyc/o-C,H,,, 2.044(4) and 2.250(4) A] and coplanar with the terminal 0x0 groups, the longer W-OR bonds being trans to the short W=O bonds.Tungsten-1 83 N M R chemical shifts of t h e compounds with R = Me, Et, cyclo-C,H,,, But or C6H,Pri2-2,6 are very sensitive t o the nature of the alkoxo ligand, and range from 6 -62.9 for [{WO(OMe),},] to -493.6 for mononuclear [WO(OC,H,Pri,-2,6),]. Possible solution equilibria are discussed in the light of these N M R results. An attempt to prepare [WO(OC,H,Me-4),] yielded [W(OC,H,Me-4),], and an X-ray crystal structure determination showed this compound to be octahedral with an average W-0 bond length of 1.895(9) A.