Drawing on the theory of planned behavior in entrepreneurship, the research proposes a model linking educational determinants, perceived entrepreneurial behavior control and entrepreneurial intentions. The model is tested with a sample of 163 students at National Economics University. The result shows that university education factors including “entrepreneurship inspiration”, “work integrated learning” and “extra curricular activities” have impact to “students’ entrepreneurial behavior control” and then “entrepreneurial behavior control” as a platform through which the educational factors have impact to “overall entrepreneurial intention”. The findings provide support to the Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour and have wider implications for the practice of teaching in higher educational institutions. Keywords Education, entrepreneurship, university students, teaching methods, entrepreneurial intention References Becchard Béchard, J. P., and Grégoire, D., “Entrepreneurship Education Research Revisited: The Case of Higher Education”, Academy of Management Learning & Education, 4 (2005) 1, 22-38.[2] Nguyen Thu Thuy and Nguyen Ngoc Huyen, “Determinants of university students’ entrepreuourship”, Journal of Economics and Development, 7/2014. [3] Fiet, J.O., “The theoretical side of teaching entrepreneurship”, Journal of Business Venturing, 16 (2000) 1, 1-24. [4] Wu, S., Wu, L., “The impact of higher education on entrepreneurial intention of university students in China”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15 (2008), 752- 774.[5] Liñán, F., Chen, Y.W., “Development and Cross-Cultural Application of a Specific Instrument to Measure Entrepreneurial intentions”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33 (2009) 3, 593-617.[6] Krueger, N.F., Reilly, M.D., Carsrud, A.L., “Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions”, Journal of Business Venturing 15 (2000) 5/6, 411-432.[7] Ajzen, I., “The theory of planned behavior”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 50 (1991) 2, 179211. [8] Verzat, C., and Bachelet, R., “Developing and Entrepreneurial Spirit among engineering college students: What are the educational factors?”, Entrepreneurship Education, Fayolle, A., and Klandt, H., Elgar, E., (eds) chapter 11, 2006.[9] Souitaris, V., Zerbinati, S. & Al-Laham, A., “Do entrepreneurship programmes raise entrepreneurial intention of science and engineering students? The effect of learning, inspiration and resources”, Journal of Business Venturing, 22 (2007) 4, 566-591.[10] Balan, P., Metcalfe, M., “Identifying teaching methods that engage entrepreneurship students”, Education & Training, 54 (2012) 5, 368-384.[11] Vesa P. T., “Learning entrepreneurship in higher education”, Education and Training, 52 (2010) 1, 48-61.[12] El-Khasawneh, B., “Entrepreneurship Promotion at Educational Institutions: A Model Suitable for Emerging Economies”, WSEAS transactions on business and economics, 5 (2008) 2, 27-35. [13]Lüthje, C., and Franke, N., “Entrepreneurial Intentions of Business Students: A Benchmarking Study”, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 1 (2004) 3, 269-288. [14] Florin, J., Karri, R., and Rossiter, N., “Fostering entrepreneurial drive in business education: An attitudinal approach”, Journal of Management Education, 31 (2007) 1, pp. 17-42.[15] Peterman, N.E. & Kennedy, J., “Enterprise Education: Influencing Students’ Perceptions of Entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 28 (2003) 9 2, 129-144.
In recent years, electric two-wheeled vehicles (E2Ws) including electric bicycles and electric motorcycles have been used widely in Vietnam. Currently, the total number of E2Ws used is 3 million and with an average growth rate of 13.33% an estimated 6 million E2Ws will be used in 2024. E2Ws have been used widely among Vietnam’s youth. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) of Ajzen (2005, 2016) [1, 2], the main purpose of this research is to identify factors affecting the attitude to and intention of high school students in Hanoi city towards E2W usage and their affected level. The analytical results show that the attitude towards E2W usage is influenced respectively in descending order by (i) perceptions of economic benefit, (ii) usage convenience, (iii) friendly environmental awareness, (iv) stylish design. Usage intention towards E2Ws is determined respectively in descending order by (i) subjective norm, (ii) attitude toward E2W usage, (iii) the attraction of motorcycles. 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This paper aimed to get the insights of consumer behavior in formula milk market. By implementing a survey with sample size of 97, the research investigated the factors influencing behavior of formula milkbuyer. Research examined and approved that all 4 factors (cultural, social, personal and psychological factor) equally influence on purchasing formula milk for babies in Hanoi. Research also concluded that domestic formula milk producers should attain their customers by committing high quality, adding more values for nurturing babies, setting right price, and providing sufficiently information.
This study explores the factors influencing the quality of telecommunication services in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. By conducting an online survey of 413 office workers, the results indicate that among the five components of the perceived quality of telecommunications services, reliability, assurance, and empathy are Key factors affecting consumer satisfaction in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The findings of this research help mobile service providers to understand how consumers perceive the quality of mobile services. Thus, mobile service providers would effectively design marketing strategy to improve customer loyalty as well as enter new markets. Keywords: Mobile service, service quality, online survey, empirical study, Vietnam. References [1] Boohene, R., & Agyapong, G., “Analysis of the antecedents of customer loyalty of telecommunication industry in Ghana: The case of Vodafone (Ghana)”, International Business Research, 4 (2011) 1, 229-240.[2] Leelakulthanit, O., & Hongcharu, B., “Factors that impact customers satisfaction: Evidence from the Thailand mobile cellular network industry”, International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 4 (2011) 2, 67-76.[3] Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, Ya-Chu Fan, “M-S-Qual: Mobile service quality measurement”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14 (2015), 126-142, http://dx.doi.org/10.2016/j.elerap.2015.01.003[4] Omotayo, O., & Abiodun, A., “Service quality, value offer, satisfaction, and loyalty: An empirical relationship in the Nigerian telecom industry”, Contemporary Management Research, 5 (2011) 2, 14-23.[5] Lee, Roy Chun, “Telecommunications in Vietnam”, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER). Chinese Taipei WTO Center, C.20 (2011), p.1.[6] Agarwal, S., M. Erramilli, et al., “Market orientation and performance in service firms: role of innovation”, Journal of Services Marketing 17 (2003) 1, 68-82.[7] Agyapong, G., “The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in the utility industry: A case of Vodafone (Ghana)”, International Journal of Business and Management, 6 (2011) 5, 203-210. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v6n5p203[8] Yee, R. W. Y., Yeung, A. C. L. & Cheng, T. C. E., “An empirical study of employee loyalty, service quality and firm performance in the service industry”, International Journal of Production Economics, 124 (2010) 1, 109-120. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2009.10.015[9] Le The Gioi and Nguyen Minh Duan, “Improving the competitiveness of VMS-MOBIFONE on mobile communication market”, Journal of Science and Technology, University of Da Nang, 2 (2007) 19, 68-72.[10] Dinh Thi Hong Thuy, “Research the factors affecting on the decision for mobile telecommunications of students in Ho Chi Minh City”, Master Thesis, (2008).[11] Le Thi Tuyet Trinh, “Research the customer satisfaction in using Vinaphone mobile service in Binh Dinh province”, Master Thesis, 2012.[12] Bui Van Trinh and Luu Ngoc Mai Anh, “Research the customer satisfaction in using Viettel mobile service in Hai Giang province”, Master Thesis, 2013.[13] Pizam, A., Ellis, T., “Customer satisfaction and its measurement in hospitality enterprises”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 11 (1999) 7, p. 326-339, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09596119910293231[14] A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, Leonard L. Berry, “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research”, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49, No. 4 (1985), pp. 41-50[15] Cronin Jr, J. J., & Taylor, S. A. “SERVPERF versus SERVQUAL: reconciling performance-based and perceptions-minus-expectations measurement of service quality”. The Journal of Marketing, 58 (1994). 125-131.[16] Aydin, S. and G. Ozer, “National Customer Satisfaction Indices: An Implementation in the Turkish Mobile Telephone Market”, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 23 (2005) 5, 486-504.[17] Mishra, R.C and Sandilya, A., Reliability and Quality Management, New Age International Publishers, 2009.[18] Torsten J. Gerpott, Ilknur Bicak, “Telecommunication service choice and use among migrants: The case of German-Turkish consumers”, Computers in Human Behavior, 6 (2016), 584-596, http://dx.doi.org/10.2016/j.chb.2016.03.018[19] Uddin, M. B., Akhter, B., “Customer satisfaction in mobile phone services in Bangladesh: A survey research”, Management & Marketing X (1) (2012), 20-36.
This study examined the relationship between branding and firm's financial performance within Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in food and beverage industry. Analyzing data from 135 Vietnamese SMEs, the study provided an evidence for the positive relationship between branding management and business performance. The study also provided a deep insight on how Vietnamese entrepreneurs think and develop their brands; therefore, made some recommendations for businessmen, policy makers and branding service providers in Vietnam.
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