DS. Heart failure attenuates muscle metaboreflex control of ventricular contractility during dynamic exercise. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 292: H2159 -H2166, 2007. First published December 22, 2006; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.01240.2006.-Underperfusion of active skeletal muscle elicits a reflex pressor response termed the muscle metaboreflex (MMR). In normal dogs during mild exercise, MMR activation causes large increases in cardiac output (CO) and mean arterial pressure (MAP); however, in heart failure (HF) although MAP increases, the rise in CO is virtually abolished, which may be due to an impaired ability to increase left ventricular contractility (LVC). The objective of the present study was to determine whether the increases in LVC seen with MMR activation during dynamic exercise in normal animals are abolished in HF. Conscious dogs were chronically instrumented to measure CO, MAP, and left ventricular (LV) pressure and volume. LVC was calculated from pressure-volume loop analysis [LV maximal elastance (E max) and preload-recruitable stroke work (PRSW)] at rest and during mild and moderate exercise under free-flow conditions and with MMR activation (via partial occlusion of hindlimb blood flow) before and after rapid ventricular pacing-induced HF. In control experiments, MMR activation at both workloads [mild exercise (3.2 km/h) and moderate exercise (6.4 km/h at 10% grade)] significantly increased CO, E max, and PRSW. In contrast, after HF was induced, CO, Emax, and PRSW were significantly lower at rest. Although CO increased significantly from rest to exercise, E max and PRSW did not change. In addition, MMR activation caused no significant change in CO, E max, or PRSW at either workload. We conclude that MMR causes large increases in LVC in normal animals but that this ability is abolished in HF. pressor response; elastance; preload recruitable stroke work WHEN EXERCISING SKELETAL MUSCLE does not receive sufficient blood flow to meet the ongoing metabolic demands, by-products of metabolism such as lactic acid, H ϩ , adenosine, potassium, diprotonated phosphate, and arachidonic acid products, among others, accumulate within the muscle and stimulate group III and IV afferent neurons, which evokes a reflex response known as the muscle metaboreflex (MMR). This reflex response consists of increases in efferent sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) (1, 3, 11, 17, 18, 24, 31-35, 39, 40, 43, 46, 47, 52, 53). In addition, MMR activation causes increases in cardiac output (CO), heart rate (HR), and plasma levels of vasoactive hormones and produces vasoconstriction in the renal and the nonischemic active skeletal muscle vasculature to partially restore arterial O 2 delivery and blood flow to the hypoperfused muscles (25,33,36). The rise in CO likely results from increases in ventricular performance, HR, and central blood volume mobilization (32,42,43). By this means the MMR-induced increases in ventricular performance act to slightly increase or sustain stroke volume (SV) despite decreas...