A -koncepcja i projekt badania, B -gromadzenie i/lub zestawianie danych, C -analiza i interpretacja danych, D -napisanie artykułu, E -krytyczne zrecenzowanie artykułu, F -zatwierdzenie ostatecznej wersji artykułu Streszczenie Wprowadzenie. Taurodontyzm jest anomalią rozpoznawaną w zębach wielokorzeniowych. Charakteryzuje się poszerzeniem komory zęba w kierunku dowierzchołkowym i proporcjonalnym do tego skróceniem korzeni. Cel pracy. Ocena występowania taurodontyzmu u pacjentów z Zakładu Radiologii Stomatologicznej i Szczękowo--Twarzowej z Szpitala Klinicznego Dzieciątka Jezus. Materiał i metody. Spośród 1387 zdjęć pantomograficznych z lat 2012-2013 zakwalifikowano 339 zdjęć osób z pełnym uzębieniem stałym. Wykluczono zdjęcia z niepełnym uzębieniem, z zębami trzonowymi po leczeniu kanałowym, protetycznym, ortodontycznym. Dokonano pomiarów pierwszych i drugich zębów trzonowych w szczęce i żuchwie, łącznie 2712 zębów. Zastosowano dwie metody: Index Schifmana i Chanannela oraz opracowaną przez Seow i Lai. W pierwszej z nich taurodontyzm rozpoznaje się, gdy odległość od najniższego punktu sklepienia komory zęba (A) do najwyższego punktu dna komory podzielona przez odległość od A do wierzchołka korzenia jest równa bądź większa niż 20. W drugiej metodzie stosunek długości korony zęba (odległość od najgłębszej bruzdy na powierzchni okluzyjnej do bifurkacji) do odległości od furkacji do wierzchołka korzenia musi być większy niż 1,10. Taurodontyzm rozpoznawano na podstawie każdej z metod. Wyniki. Taurodontyzm rozpoznano u 2,06% pacjentów i w 0,88% przebadanych zębów na podstawie obydwu metod. Według Indeksu Schifmmana i Chanannela wśród 9 (2,66%) pacjentów i 35 zębów (1,30%), według Indeksu Seow i Lai u 12 (0, 44%) pacjentów i w 36 (1,33%) zębach. Częściej był odnotowywany w szczęce i dotyczył głównie drugich zębów trzonowych, najrzadziej drugich zębów trzonowych w żuchwie. Nie został zaobserwowany wśród pierwszych zębów trzonowych w żuchwie. Na podstawie obu metod 21 (0,75%) zębów zostało ocenionych jako hipo-, a 3 (0,11%) jako mezotaurodontyczne. Nie stwierdzono występowania zębów hipertaurodontycznych. Współczynnik korelacji rang Spearmana wyniósł 0,627 (P < 0,001), co świadczy o dużej zgodności obu metod. 456Taurodontyzm jest morfologiczną anomalią rozpoznawaną w zębach wielokorzeniowych. Charakteryzuje się poszerzeniem komory zęba w kierunku dowierzchołkowym, proporcjonalnym do tego skróceniem korzeni i brakiem przewężenia na wysokości połączenia szkliwno-cementowego (ang. cementoenamel junction -CEJ) [1].Te nietypowo ukształtowane zęby zostały odkryte u prehistorycznych człowiekowatych w 1903 r. przez de Terra [2], a u współczesnego człowieka przez Pickerilla [3] w 1909 r., jednak dopiero w 1913 r. Arthur Keith [4] nadał im nazwę. Termin "taurodontyzm" pochodzi od łacińskie-go słowa tauros, czyli "byk", i greckiego odus, czyli "ząb", w dosłownym tłumaczeniu oznacza więc "bydlęce zęby". Współczesne uzębienie Keith opisał jako cynodontyczne, czyli podobne do psiego, charakteryzujące się relatywnie małą, umieszczoną n...
Background. Fast progression of caries in primary teeth may lead to pulpitis or even to premature tooth loss. Poor oral hygiene is a risk factor for caries, although it is not considered to be an important one.
Background Glass ionomer cements (GIC) used for restoration of missing dental structures have high biocompatibility and remineralization potential. However, low mechanical resistance excludes their use for long-term restorations of extensive lesions, particularly on approximal surfaces in permanent dentition. GIC with increased viscosity have much better physical properties, which involves better bonding and wear resistance, so they can be considered as an alternative to composite resin materials. The aim of this study was to perform a clinical and radiological assessment of restorations in permanent teeth, made with an increased viscosity GIC - Equia Fil (Ivoclar Vivadent) with Equia Coat (Ivoclar Vivadent) and composite material - Tetric EvoCeram (Ivoclar Vivadent) in young patients. Material and Methods A total of 100 cavities on approximal surfaces were filled with the composite material or GIC in 49 patients aged from 12.08 to 19.58 years. During control examinations, the condition of each restoration was assessed with criteria acc. to Hickel et al. Bitewing radiographs had been taken before fillings were placed and after 12 and 24 months. Results After two years of observations, two GIC restorations were replaced due to loss of retention and staining. The other 96 restorations were given a satisfactory grade. The clinical efficacy of Equia Fil after 24 months was assessed at 95.83%, the Tetric EvoCeram at 100%. The difference was not statistically significant ( P =0.145). When GIC was used, there was a higher risk of marginal adaptation deterioration and the occurrence of staining and erosion. Radiographic efficacy of the Equia Fil material for cavity restoration after 24 months was assessed at 93.75%, for the Tetric EvoCeram material at 100%. Differences were not significant statistically ( P =0.073). Conclusions Tetric EvoCeram and Equia Fil used for the restoration of approximal lesions in premolars and permanent molars have similar efficacy in a 2-year period of observation. Key words: Dental restoration, permanent, composite resins, glass ionomer cements, clinical study.
Background. The anatomy and low mineral content of primary teeth, especially soon after their eruption, predispose to acute progression of caries. Untreated early childhood caries (ECC) can rapidly lead to destruction of the crown and to pulpal involvement. It is, therefore, important to depict its clinical consequences in relation to caries intensity and age. Aim of the study. To assess the correlation of clinical consequences of ECC with its intensity and age in urban population of children with high risk of caries in Poland. Material and methods. In a group of high caries risk children from Warsaw aged below 6 years the following were evaluated: dental health (decayed, filled, missing teeth due to caries (dmft/dmfs), carious pulp exposure) and mucosal health (ulcerations caused by decayed teeth, fistulae, abscesses (pufa). Four age groups were distinguished: less than 3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years and 5-6 years. Statistical analysis: Kruskal-Wallis test (significance level p=0.05). Results. Among 223 children (mean age 4.30±1.154 years) dmft>0 was found in 80% (mean dmft=6.14±5.49, dmfs=11.60±12.92), restorative index was 0.23±0.33. Pufa >0 was observed in 26% (mean 0.853±1.839) with the highest value in the youngest age group (mean 1.20±2.222). Correlations between dmft, dmfs and pufa were observed. Statistically significant correlations were found between teeth missing due to caries and the clinical consequences of untreated caries. Conclusions. The younger the child affected by caries, the more severe the consequences of untreated caries. It has been observed that the rate of consequences increases with caries intensity.
Introduction. Glass-ionomer cements and composite materials are widely used for direct restoration of carious lesions, also in young permanent teeth. However, knowledge on the effects of cariogenic factors on the quality of restorations performed using these materials, especially those covering proximal surfaces, which are more often exposed to bacterial plaque, is insufficient. Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of oral hygiene and increased intensity of caries on proximal composite and glass ionomer restorations in young permanent teeth after 2 years of usage. Material and methods. Equia Fil glass-ionomer and Tetric EvoCeram composite restorations were performed in patients aged between 12 and 20 years with proximal carious lesions in premolars and molars. The clinical condition of restorations was assessed and indices such as OHI-S and D1-2DMFT (along with their increased values) were calculated at baseline, as well as during follow-up visits at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Correlations between clinical assessment of restorations and indices for oral hygiene and caries intensity, their increase and increased number of teeth with carious spots were evaluated. The study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Medical University of Warsaw (No. KB/157/2013). Results. A total of 100 proximal restorations were performed in 49 patients. After 24 months, 98 restorations (50 Equia Fil and 48 Tetric EvoCeram) were evaluated. Mean baseline OHI-S and D1-2DMFT were 1.37 and 12.04, respectively, for Equia Fil restorations, and 1.27 and 10.38 for Tetric restorations, with the following values reported during follow-up: 1.80 and 15.4; 1.63 and 12.38. Statistically significant relationships were found between OHI-S and values describing the state of materials. These values increased with increasing OHI-S and D1-2DMFT. Conclusions. Both Tetric Evo Ceram and Equia Fil restorations are susceptible to cariogenic factors.
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