The aim of this article is to estimate prevalence of menopausal symptoms among women in the menopausal age group and study the urban-rural differences.
Methods and Design:
Analytical cross-sectional study conducted in rural and urban field practice areas of a tertiary care center affiliated to Medical College, where 290 women (145 each from urban and rural areas) were interviewed to measure prevalence of menopausal symptoms. Forty-one symptoms were divided into ‘Psycho-somatic’ (17 symptoms), ‘genito-urinary (9 symptoms)’ and musculo-skeletal (5 symptoms) domains. The prevalence of each of these symptoms is reported as proportion and the differences in the median scores in the two groups were tested using Mann-Whitney U test.
From among 145 women each, in urban and rural settings, most common psychosomatic symptoms were physical exhaustion-fatigue (73.1%), difficulty climbing stairs (59.3%), sleep problems (45.2%), body ache (43.4%), and hot flushes (41.4%). Among the urban participants, most common was physical exhaustion (42.1%), difficulty climbing stairs (62.1%), anger (46.9%), sleep problems (45.5%), and irritability (42.1%), while among the rural participants they were physical exhaustion (66.2%), difficulty climbing stairs (56.6%), insomnia (54.5%), and body ache (46.2%). Most common genito-urinary symptoms overall and in rural areas were urinary urgency (35.9% and 38.6%), increased frequency of urine (31.7% and 37.2%) and incontinence (30% and 35.2% respectively). Among the urban women, common symptoms were urinary urgency (33.1%) followed by itching of private parts (30.3%) and increased frequency of urination (26.2%). Among musculo-skeletal symptoms, joint pain (74.1%, 74.5%, 73.8%) was the most common symptom followed by joint and muscular discomfort (71.7%, 73.8%, 69.7%) among the overall, urban and rural participants. There was a significant difference in the median psychosomatic score as per the symptoms experienced by the urban and rural participants (U = 36, Z statistic = 2.31, and P = 0.02). However, there was no significant difference in the scores for genito-urinary and musculo-skeletal symptoms; thereby, median scores under both these domains were almost similar in both urban and rural groups
There was significant difference in the median psychosomatic score as per the symptoms experienced by the urban and rural participants however; there was no significant difference in genito-urinary and musculo-skeletal symptom scores.