The vari a tions in the thresh old volt age shift in p-chan nel power VDMOSFET dur ing the gamma ray ir ra di a tion was in ves ti gated in the dose range from 10 to 100 Gy. The in ves ti gations were per formed with out the gate bias and with 5 V gate bias. The de vices with 5 V gate bias ex hibit a lin ear de pend ence be tween the thresh old volt age shift and the ra di a tion dose. The den si ties of ra di a tion-in duced fixed and switch ing traps were de ter mined from the sub-thresh old I-V char ac ter is tics us ing the midgap tech nique. It was shown that the cre ation of fixed traps is dom i nant dur ing the ir ra di a tion. The pos si ble mech a nisms re spon si ble for the fixed and switch ing traps cre ation are also an a lyzed in this pa per.
2 Vin~a In sti tute of Nu clear Sci ences, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Bel grade, Ser bia 3 Fac ulty of Tech nol ogy and Met al lurgy, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Bel grade, Ser bia Technical pa per this pa per we give an over view of ra di a tion ef fects in emer gent, non-vol a tile mem ory technol o gies. In ves ti ga tions into ra di a tion hard ness of re sis tive ran dom ac cess mem ory, ferro electric ran dom ac cess mem ory, mag neto-re sis tive ran dom ac cess mem ory, and phase change mem ory are pre sented in cases where these mem ory de vices were sub jected to dif fer ent types of ra di a tion. The ob tained re sults proved high ra di a tion tol er ance of stud ied de vices mak ing them good can di dates for ap pli ca tion in ra di a tion-in ten sive en vi ron ments. Key words: non-vol a tile mem ory, ra di a tion ef fect, re sis tive RAM, ferro elec tric RAM, mag neto-re sis tive RAM, phase change mem ory I. S. Fetahovi}, et al.: Over view of Ra di a tion
This pa per pres ents the re sults of an ex am i na tion of func tion sta bil ity of high-volt age asynchron ous mo tors ex posed to am bi ent strain caused by com bined neu tron and gamma ra di ation. This prob lem ap pears in prac tice when a high-volt age asyn chron ous mo tor is used in nuclear power plants where it can be ex posed to this type of am bi ent strain. The fail ure of the en gine's op er a tion un der such con di tions may have un ex pected con se quences. As more than 50 % of fail ure (mal func tion) of high-volt age asyn chron ous mo tors is caused by dam age to stator in su la tion, the fo cus of the pa per was on test ing the ef fects of com bined neu tron and gamma ra di a tion on stator in su la tion. The tests were car ried out un der well-con trolled lab ora tory con di tions on sam ples taken from both new and used fac tory coil wind ings. Two-layer sam ples were used to re cord par tial dis charge thresh old volt age and break down volt age. By com par ing the ex per i men tally ob tained re sults with the ap pli ca ble math e mat i cal-sta tis ti cal pro ce dure, an es ti mate was made of the ag ing ac cel er a tion of stator in su la tion and the time du ra tion of re li able op er a tion of high-volt age asyn chron ous mo tor was de ter mined by lifetime ex po nent.
tri cal En gi neer ing, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Bel grade, Ser bia 2 Ra di a tion and En vi ron men tal Pro tec tion De part ment, Vin~a In sti tute of Nu clear Sci ences, Uni ver sity of Bel grade, Bel grade, Ser bia 3 In sti tute of Elec tri cal En gi neer ing "Nikola Tesla", Bel grade, Ser bia Sci en tific pa per
In this paper we analyze application of contemporary methods of insulation
co-ordination and the enlargement law in designing a GM counting tube. It has
been shown that by applying insulation co-ordination methods the counting
tube can be optimally dimensioned. The application of the enlargement law was
demonstrated in generalizing the results of test obtained by the GM tube to
those obtained by the counting tube with m-times greater dimensions. The
investigations were conducted both theoretically and by experiment. Using
theoretical analysis, we derived the expressions that may be applied if a
performance function of a random variable breakdown voltage is known. The
experiments were conducted on a GM counter model under well controlled
laboratory conditions.
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