An unusual population of cyst nematode was found in soils collected from a Powell Butte, OR field with a cropping history including potato, wheat, other crops, and significant weed presence. These nematodes could not be placed with certainty into any known species and exhibited some unique morphological features in some specimens. Compared with Globodera pallida, the cyst body length was slightly longer and the second-stage juvenile stylet length was slightly shorter. In some individuals, the J2 stylet knob height was greater and the tail annules were more prominent than in G. pallida, and the tail abruptly narrowed, with a slight constriction near the posterior third of the hyaline terminus. Compared with G. rostochiensis, the hyaline tail terminus had a larger number of refractive bodies, and cysts of this population had a smaller Granek's ratio and fewer cuticular ridges between the anus and vulva. In some individuals, the tail termini of second-stage juveniles were more bluntly pointed, and the stylet knobs were more anteriorly directed with greater height. Unlike G. tabacum, the cyst wall often lacked a network-like pattern and, in some individuals, the juvenile tail terminus distinctly narrowed after a constriction. Molecularly, the population was distinct from G. pallida, G. rostochiensis, and G. tabacum. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA region gave results similar to G. tabacum; however, ITS restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns were observed to have individual bands in common with G. rostochiensis and G. pallida. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS1 and -2 rDNA sequences showed greatest similarity to populations from Argentina and Chile; together, they form a moderately supported clade, distinct from G. rostochiensis, G. tabacum, G. "mexicana," European type G. pallida, and several G. pallida populations from South America.