The ccutrril problciii of building is to providc weather protection and thus " building sciciicc " is coiiccrncd very largely with tlic rchtions bctwcen liquid (water usunlly) and solids. Two iiinin divisions can be coilsidcrcd : (a) iuoisturc cffects in tlic tinislicrl striicturc ; (b) inoisturc cffccts in tlic prepiirrition of 1111it~riit1~.
MOISTURE EFFECTS IN THE FINISHED STRUCTUREIn the finished building three water effects Iirivc to I)c kept in inind : ( I ) Tlic triinsiiiissioii of water from one point to itnotlwr in 11 sciiii-dry ~~~crliii~~~,--'L'l~is is r j siiiiilnr problcni to that confroiit in: tlic workcrs in soil physics nntl soiiic of the nictliods nnd conceptions uscd tire roiiiuioii
W c n iippro:iclictl I)y t.hc Itonil nntl Building Jlutcriiils Group of tlie Socicty of Clicniicnl Industry to ~)rcscnt IL pnper to Mic Ciiniidiiin JIcctirrg this yciir, tlic siiggcstion wiis also iiiiide t,hnt tlic piipcr might consist cliicfly of a dcsxiption of rcscrircli work in Grcnt Britain, hoping thnt similiir contributions might Ic forthcoming froin the ot,hcr couiitrics rind this 11 pooling of jnforinnt,ion on an internnt.iona1 scule rcsiilt. This rcqucst wiis acccptcd iriid is the rcnson for tlic somewhit iiirrrow " nationiil '' chiiriict~r of this pnpcr.In (:rent Jhitiiin, :is in otlicr intliistrinlized count&, intensive rescnrcli work is i n Iinnd both in t,lic 1~~l)oriitories of mnnufnct.iircrs nnd also undcr Govcriinicnt irusl)iccs. 'I'hc cont.nct bet\\-ecn tlic two groups is often wry closc! indccd iind co-opcriition is coninioii. ' (1) Tlic niuint.cnrincc or its own rcsciirdi estiiblislimcuts. Of tlicsc tlic hipgcst is t h nTnt.ionnl Physicnl Ihborntory, ot,Iiers bcing orgiiniziit,ions for invcstigtitions into nspcct,s of nntionnl c~onoiiiy likc food, forest products, fiicl, wntcr pollution, l)uiltling iintl roiids wlicrc! the " iiscr " nspcct is \.cry niiicli to tlic fore (ff.bln,o()()).(2) Tlic forinntion iind tlcvclopnicnt ofrcscnrch nssocintions for ninnufncturcrs iiiitl othcra. Such nssociiit.ions iirc undcr tlic control of thc industry conccnied iintl usually rcccivc grnnt iiid froin the 'I)cpnrt.iiicnt. Tlicrt! itre now sonic twenty odd of t.llcsc tissociiitiotis covering niostof the iinport.nnt industries in tdiccoiint,ry (1 126!sOO).(3) Grants to intlividunl rcsciirch workers in nit1 of spccific it.cnis of rcscnrcli :ind to post-piruntc students to ennblo tlicni to rcccivi! trniniiig in tlic inetliotls of scicntific rcscnrcli (125,000 h i roiitl rcsciircli, the field is iitirrowcr rind tllc problciiis u t prcscnt iirc cliicflp associiitctl witli tcclmiqiics wliidi IIRVC little iiiorc t h i n of n ccntwy's tlevcl~~li-nient. In lhgland thore iirc priicticirlly no cartli rontls nnd tJioug11 t h r c nrc .niriiiy niilcs of wtiter-boiml n i i w nthni, it is iuriinly rcst.rictctl to sidc ronils. l'hc cliid problcnis ti rise w i t l l t Iic iisu t~f t h motlcni 11111 tcriiils for iniiin roiidR, I)it.iiiiiiiio~r~ )~rotluets trwl concrctc.
BUILDING has ulrtwly lieen Htiit(!d iibovc, Iiriilding resoercli work in Grent Jhituin is esrricd out by thrcr. group,
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