Table I. Electronic Absorption and 13C NMR Spectroscopic Data for cis-and trans-Rh(en),RJH,)(H,O),+ Emax, complex Amax, nm M-' cm-' 6 a rrans-Rh(en),(NH3)(H,0)"' 303 167 45.63 cis-Rh(en) , (NH 3)(H, 0)3 + 309 227 47.68, 46.39, Chemical shifts reported vs. Me,Si with dioxane (67.40 ppm) Reference 8. 45.99. 45.03bas an internal reference.(7) (a) Jakse, F. P.; Paukstelis, J. V.; Petersen.Relatively few bi-or polynuclear cyclopentadienylmetal nitrosyl compounds have been prepared.'S2 The known binuclear compounds include Cp2M2(N0), (Cp = v5-CSH5; M = Fe,3*4 CoSs6), which contain bridging nitrosyls, and Cp2Cr2(N0)47~8 and Cp2(~l-CSHS)Mn2(NO)3,g*10 which have 67426-08-8; Cp3Rh3(N0)', 75495-01-1; Cp,Rh,(NO)(NOJ, 75365-54-7; [Rh(CO),Cl],, 14523-22-9; CpRh(CO),, 12192-97-1; Cp3Rhg(CO)3, 12148-54-8.