The pentamethyldisilanyl-substituted cyclopentadienes Me,CsH,,_,W,Mes), (for n = 0: 1 (m = 11, 2 (m = 2), 3 (m = 3), 4 (m = 4); for n = 1: 5 (m = l), 7 (m = 2),9 (m = 3); for n = 3: 13 (m = 11, 14 (m = 2); for n = 4: 15 (m = 1)) are accessible in good yields by treatment of the corresponding cyclopentadienyllithium compounds with MesSi,Cl. The mono-Me&-substituted species 1 and 5 are present only to a small extend in form of vinylic isomers and to a greater extend as isomers with the Me+,-group in allylic position; the latter possess a dynamic structure due to sigmatropic rearrangements. In the twice-Me&-substituted cyclopentadienes 2 and 7, the 5,5 and 2,5 isomers are observed, which can be interconverted by silatropic shifts; in addition, the presence of two vinylic isomers can be proved in the case of 2. In the cyclopentadiene species 3 and 9 with three MesSi, groups, only the 2,5,5 isomers can be detected by NMR spectroscopy. Compound 3 possesses a fluxional structure and can thus be deprotonated. On the other hand, 9 does not show a fluxional behaviour and thus cannot be deprotonated. The cyclopentadiene 4 with four MesSi, substituents possesses a static structure and cannot be deprotonated. The 2,3,5,5 position of the substituents is proved by an X-ray crystal structure analysis. Only two Me,.%, groups can be incorporated in the carbon skeleton of 1,2,4-trimethylcyclopentadiene, whereby compounds of the type 1,2,4_Me,C,H,_,(Si,Me,), (13: n = 1; 14: n = 2) are formed. Surprisingly, 14 cannot be deprotonated with "BuLi and KH, respectively. The reaction of Me,CsHLi with Me&Cl leads to the cyclopentadiene Me,C,HSi,Me, (15). Though compound 15 can be deprotonated, further reaction of the resulting anion with Me&Cl does not lead to the expected cyclopentadiene Me,Cs(Si,MesI, (16). On the other hand, 16 can be prepared by metallation of 14 with CsK and further reaction with CH,I. In contrast to 14, compound 4 cannot be deprotonated with CsK, the reaction of 4 with CsK and CH,I leads to 9 via Si-C bond splitting. The pentamethyldisilanyl-substituted pentamethylcyclopentadiene MesCsSizMe, (17) is obtained by reaction of Me&K with Me&Cl; compound 17 shows dynamic behaviour; the migration of the MesSi, group is slower than that of the MesSi group in MesCsSiMe,. Three EIMe, groups can be introduced stepwise into the 1,2,4-Me&H, molecule, as demonstrated by the exemplary synthesis of the cyclopentadienes 1,2,4-Me,C,H,_,(SiMe,), (10: n = 1; 11: n = 2) and 1,2,4-Me,C,(SiMe,),SnMe,