A program of fumd~mextal etudies of the propezt-kvs, formatioAl aad reactionis of hydzrogan peroxide has beesi sponsored 6A N.I.T. since 20~5, by vila~ U. S. Navy, Bursau of Ordmaace, &ad 1ainx the Office of Saul F.3eeazoh. For wro time il has beez apyaze-2 tial the go*Wa of basic k~lowledge of tb13ChamicGalt as well as the dave21ipmezit of various pzactical aprplicatioaa, would be fuzibered by a cozpilatAiczanmd evaluatiox ia the form of a ==omogrk of 1),e aci~atif ic =ad techaical knui1,dge avaIlabl3.The PX3ext rsport comettirttts Part InI (Chaytewr 7 &nd S) of wxch a riomcgayk.. The remaimiig parts, (1, 11 azd IT) bear uis reyOri Nl~b~r2 42, 43, a-ad 4f5. Beport n~o. 42 wa :.sa.ad 0*94suber 15, 1,953, Espor-s 43 waa L33ued D~ecember 1s 1953, aad Eleyort 45 r'as issued Ilovember 1,1953. Tbhe Tabla of Contesta preeanted Ix this reyo" gives a detailsd outline of t*"e material preaeated ia Part III nad indicates the Coa'teat3 of 144e otbel Ahrie arst b7 lI3tiag the headings of týhe OpLZVUs ahlcl 024;b of th3: c=a-taiaj* L-Iterz-u" peai up *o' a~bou' Tu:l7 1, 1954 -ha3 be~a uA=u1134 L2 the qxrsa&=ti*2 of Part III of the moncSap.MY. It be' mot boom m~ttsptad to cite ever.7 refereace 01 h7dr=S= u'i'jxz..da but al.L Viblicatlicas whzich Vppeazed to the a'itkor3 to h~re come psaeat-dsy u~efulm-*s we quoted.k&mugps.ata b*ve tee& made for th13 MOaogTrAp esibaquently *r-to publisked la book fo=.The author. will aqp2Vcxi Laezr tooaij o&11#4 10 their atteatica or r-eceiviag the comeata of reaedrs O3 $a* r~at~ria p~s.~ase". The following chapter deals with dacomposition Proces3es, that 13, reactions in which stolchiometrio proportions are not or cannot be obser,7d. Chaptar.nine di.oussas the subject of the stability of hydrogen peroxide.This division is an arbitrary one, but. serves to separate and focus attention on two topics which, for hydrogen peroxide-o assume outstanding importance in the discussion of ohemical properties. Some duplication and overlapping of the disoussion has occurred because of this organization, and it. is suggested that:-when information: regarding a particular-subject is desired the content of all three chapter• be considred aince-the ame sUbject may receive treatment from differing points of view in each.It will be useful first to consider Some-broad classifications-. of:..-`,1' chamical behavior of hydro.gen paromida.Then im an order of imcreasimg co•plexity the character of hydrogen ;eroxida may be considar-d from the stanapoimnt of the thermodynamics, rates, and mechaniams of its reactions.Discussions of such subjects as the propertias'of hydrogen peroxide as an acid, properties as a reaction medium, studies of its reactions in non-aqueous solvents, and isotopic tracer experiments Involving hydrogen peroxide which have been made then follow. Reftrerces and as much discussion as space allows of specific reactions, grouped according to the periodic table, are then given. Pollcwing the discussion of chemical reactions will be ftou•d aections dealing .with or3ani* reactions and biological actio...