Vertical distribution of concentration, Vertical plume 47,4a buoyancy conservation equation, 12 entrainment velocity, 12 momentum conservation equation, 13 rise in stable environment, 14 trajectory near source, 13 volume flux, 11 Virtual source, 14, 17 Visible plume dimensions for cooling Volume flux of plume, 11, 12 von Ka'rmin's constant, 6 tower, 76-77 Wake cavity, 20-24 Washout ratio, 71, 72 Wavelength of maximum energy, 8 Weighting scheme for winds, 88, 90 Wet deposition, 71, 72 Wet removal of sulfur, 88 Widows Creek Steam Plant, 81, 82 Wind direction shear, 5, 6 Wind profile in surface layer, 6, 7 Wind-speed power law, 32 Wind-tunnel experiments, 19-22 DISC LA1 M E R This book was prepared as an account of work sponsored b y an agency of the United States Government.