and dried over potassium carbonate, the ether was then distilled off and the residue consisting of the nonylene fractionated. The yield was twenty grams of hydrocarbon boiling a t 132-133 ' . Calculated for C,,",,: C, 85.71 ; H, 14.29 Found: C, 85.29; H, 14.22. Properties: Colorless liquid boiling a t 132-133 O. Miscible with a11 the common organic solvents. Immiscible with water. It has an odor like that 2,4-Dimethylheptane, CH,CH,CH,CHCHCHCH, was made from the Decolorizes bromine in chloroform solution. of petroleum.I I CH, CH, nonylene by reducing it by Sabatier and Senderens' method of passing the vapor of the nonylene with an excess of hydrogen over freshly reduced nickel a t 160-180°, after the manner of the reduction of z-methyl: 5-metheneheptane to 2,s-dimethylheptane described in the preceding paper. The nonane was then carefully fractionated with a fifth degree thermometer until five grams were obtained boiling a t 132.9-133'. Calculated for CpHlo: C, 84.37; H, 15.63 Properties : Colorless liquid boiling a t 132.9-133 O a t 752 millimeters pressure. It is miscible in the common organic solvents. Does not decolorize bromine in chloroform. Sp. gr. is 0.7206 a t IS O compared to water a t ISO. The index of refraction was determined with a Pulfrich refractometer N, (25') = 1.4014. Found: C, 84.28; H, 15.92 Three lactones are known which correspond to three hydroxy acids which retain the tertiary carboxyl of camphoric acid. I. Campholactone, obtained by Fitting and Woringer' in distilling lauronolic acid and formed when lauronolic acid is warmed with dilute acids. 2. Isocampholactone, first obtained in an impure condition by one of usz in decomposing aminolauronic acid, These are: Ann., 227, IO. Am. Chsm. J., 17, 432; 32, 290.