Using X-ray diffraction techniques, thermal expansion and compressibility were measured on the orthorhombic compounds HfTiO,, Hf,.,,Tk,.,40,, and ZrTiO, (both quenched and cooled slowly from 1300°C). The thermal expansion of HfTiO, is highly anisotropic; the thermal expansion coefficients along the crystallographic axes are an= +(8.7+0.5) XlO-, "C-', ab= -(5.2+0.5)Xlo-B "C", and a c = +(5.3+0.5)X104 "CY. The thermal expansion of Hf,.,,Tio.,,04 was similar to that of HfTiO, but that of ZrTiO, was markedly less anisotropic. The compressibilities of HfTiO, and ZrTiO4 also differed markedly. All compounds investigated, however, behaved similarly in exhibiting a polymorphic transition to a high-pressure phase having the monoclinic baddeleyite (ZrO,) structure. The polymorphism can be explained qualitatively on the basis of crystal structure.