In the current context of scarce financial resources, technology transfer offices are pressured to find ways to increase revenues through technology transfers or reduce expenses with their portfolio of technologies, especially patents. The Patent assessment seeks to detect the market potential of patents for transfer through licensing, abandonment, or maintenance. In this context, the objective of this study is to validate the leading indicators used in the patent evaluation to develop a framework for evaluating academic patent portfolio in the Brazilian context. For this, we used mapping and analysis methods of the current models besides focus group consultations, exploratory factorial analysis, and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to validate the indicators. The results show that seven factors are determinant in the evaluation of academic patents, having positive implications for the management of Intellectual Property since technology transfer decision-makers can use the factors and their identified weights as value indicators to evaluate patents with the most significant market potential.
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Uma forma altamente simplista de explicar o funcionamento das organizações no mercado é dizer que estas oferecem produtos e/ou serviços de acordo com as necessidades do mercado de forma lucrativa. Mas, do ponto de vista estratégico, fornecer apenas aquilo que o mercado necessita, mesmo que seja melhor do que as organizações concorrentes num dado momento, pode configurar-se como uma vantagem competitiva sustentável? Após as análises da indústria automobilística e do caso da Nokia, ficou claro que o equilíbrio com as forças de mercado oferecendo o que o mercado precisa de forma lucrativa, geralmente leva as organizações a um estado de acomodação, no qual as mesmas estratégias, que no passado deram certo, continuam a ser escolhidas como a principal ferramenta de ação contra a dinâmica e incerteza dos seus ambientes, na esperança de que o que deu certo no passado continuará a sê-lo no presente e no futuro. Não basta fornecer apenas aquilo que o mercado necessita, mesmo que seja melhor do que as organizações concorrentes num dado momento. A chave para a vantagem competitiva está na inovação contínua aliada à inovação descontínua.
Technology transfer offices (TTO) were created with the mission of executing innovation policy and its technology transfer to industry. Most studies regarding TTO focus on the context of developed countries, so there is a lack of research on the subject in emerging economies, such as Brazil. In addition, the issue of how diverse the skills of the team of a given TTO should be for their best revenue performance is still little addressed. In this sense, the present study aims to identify which characteristics of the TTO, related to their human resources, influence obtaining revenue from the patents that constitute their portfolios. To achieve this objective, 272 TTO in Brazil were analysed with the help of the Logistic Regression technique, based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation. A remarkable conclusion that emerges from our results is that the universities to increase their revenue must invest in full-time employees (e.g., rather than in scholarship students, as tends to be the norm) and foster the inventions' communications, as well as to attract and retain employees with skills directly related to knowledge fields such as Law, Engineering, and Communication (quite surprisingly, Management and Economics graduates are not included). The combination of these factors can increase the probabilities or odds of a given TTO obtaining revenue. Thus, our results contribute to TTO human resource practices, especially those in structuring stages, such as those in Brazil and Latin American countries.
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