during summer 2021 to study the effect of drip fertigation with different irrigation intervals and phosphorus sources on the productivity of green gram under sodic soil condition. Treatments consisted of four main plots with different irrigation intervals such as drip irrigation in three days interval (M1), five days interval (M2), seven days interval (M3) compared with surface irrigation (M4). Subplot treatments consisted of different phosphorus sources viz., SSP (S1), DAP (S2) as soil application, MAP (S3) and Phosphoric acid (S4) as a fertigation and control plot without phosphorus application (S5). The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Drip irrigation was given at 80% pan evaporation (PE). Drip fertigation was given once in five days interval. Results revealed that among the irrigation intervals, drip irrigation with five days intervals recorded significantly higher growth characters such as plant height (40.0 cm), number of branches plant -1 (5.1), root length (16.1cm), root nodules (12.4), dry matter production (2822 kg ha -1 ), LAI (5.2), yield attributes viz., number of pods plant -1 (40.8), number of seeds pod -1 (12.4), pod length (8.0 cm), test weight (3.46 g), grain yield (841kg ha -1 ) and haulm yield (1821 kg ha -1 ) than the other irrigation intervals and surface irrigation. Drip irrigation with seven days three days interval recorded significantly higher growth and yield than surface irrigation. Among the phosphorus sources, fertigation of phosphoric acid recorded significantly taller plants (42.8 cm), more number of branches plant-1 (5.8), root length (14.5 cm), root nodules (13.0), dry matter production (2713 kg ha -1 ), LAI (5.5) and yield attributes viz., number of pods plant -1 (41.5), seeds pods -1 (12.2), pod length (8.2 cm), test weight (3.72 g), seed yield (814 kg ha -1 ) and haulm yield (1745 kg ha -1 ) than soil application of SSP and DAP. However, it was comparable with fertigation of MAP. Thus, drip irrigation with 80% pan evaporation at five days interval and fertigation with either MAP or phosphoric acid as a source of phosphorus could be recommended for improving the productivity of green gram under sodic soil condition.