NEW BOOKSits application and connection with agriculture, biology, medicine, geology, etc. ; it includes also biography. The biographies number altogether some 722 (living chemists have not been included); in many cases these are very brief, e.g., only 4 lines are devoted to Volta and rather more to Faraday, although fairly full references are appended to each from which fuller information may be sought. Further, in the case of the former, more information is found in the text under such headings as galvanic pile, electrochemistry, methane, and eudiometry, the cross references to which are not quoted in the biography. Among the biographies one notices names like Marsh, Kipp, and Selmi, but the absence of others, e.@;., Hooke, Mayow, Watson, Hales, Rayleigh, and LeChatelier.A special feature has been made of phaae rule diagrams, especially in the case of metals; this is to be expected as the authors had previously published a book on chemical combination among metals, which was translated into English by Robinson in 1918. Branches of chemistry especially important to Italy are detailed with much valuable information, e.g., vegetable and essential oils, mercury and its medicinal preparations, marbles etc.The high standard of production of the previous volume has been fully maintained in the present one, and the whole constitutes a mine of interesting and accurate information.