Efficient photogeneration of either (CO + H2) simultaneously, or CO selectively, occurs on visible light irradiation of COz solutions in (HOCH,CH,) ,N-dimethylformamide containing, respectively, Ru(bipy) 32 +-Co2 + combinations or the single component Re(bipy) (CO)3X (X = CI, Br) as homogeneous catalysts.Carbon dioxide fixation is the basic reaction by which natural photosynthesis produces organic matter. A major goal of research in artificial photosynthesis is to discover abiotic photocatalytic systems capable of producing reduced species by photochemical reduction of CO,. The development of such systems is of interest from three points of view, viz., finding catalysts for CO, activation, devising means for conversion and storage of solar energy by production of fuels and organic raw materials, and setting up models of natural photosynthesis.Compared to water photolysisl little research has been devoted to the photoreduction of CO, (refs. 2-4 and references therein), which may yield a variety of products by reactions proceeding most easily via polyelectronic p r o c e s s e ~. ~~~ It requires the photochemical generation of species of sufficient reducing power and the discovery of suitable catalysts for these reactions.Extending our earlier work on the photoreduction of water,K we have recently shown3 that visible light irradiation of CO, solutions in aqueous acetonitrile, containing Ru(bipy),,+ as photosensitizer, Co" ions as catalyst, and a tertiary amine as electron donor, yields a mixture of CO and H, (synthesis gas) by simultaneous photoreduction of CO, and H20. We now report results on (i) marked improvements of this Ru(bipyyi+ / CoII system and (ii) a 'single component' system using Re-(bipy)(CO),X both as photosensitizer and as catalyst for the CO, -+ CO photoconversion.