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1156RICHARD ELMAN AND T. Y. LAM. w characterize quadratic forms iff 3F is torsion-free. We then present somei partial calculations of ker(w), and investigate the problem of existence of quadratic forms with prescribed Stiefel-Whitney classes.Section 3 investigates the problem of separating orderings by quadratic forms. We show that given two disjoint closed sets of orderings A, B, there exists a form f C InF for some n, such that f has signature 0 in any real closure Fa (a EA) of F, while f has signature 2n in any real closur-e Ffl (,8 C B) of F. Using this 'normality property' together with a compactness argument, we obtain several alternative characterizations of WAP (Theorem 3. 3). We then show that WAP is actually equivalent to SAP (Theorem 3.5). We also relate these concepts to 'stable linkage' and show all three are equivalent. Next we define the concept of i-stability (I!+1F -21iF) for the Witt ring, and obtain some preliminary results about such Witt rings.Section 4 is parallel to Section 3, with orderings and square classes playing revers...