This article is a commentary on several issues relevant to critical race theory (CRT), education, and race-related discourse. In this article, we hope to contribute to the dialogue on race and education, and raise a few thought-provoking questions regarding ways of seeing and thinking about CRT as both a theoretical and practical tool when focused on issues of race, structural racism, and education.
IntroductionThis article is a social commentary on several issues relevant to critical race theory (CRT), education, and race-related discourse. Public and private discourses on race and racism in American society are moving targets. Just when you or we (individually and/or collaboratively) think, 'Aha, now I understand the complexities of race in America' it slickly slides to the liberal left, or safely scurries to the conservative right (yes, we mean mainstream political left and right). It might drop down to gut bucket nonsense (e.g., what we see on most television newstalk shows), or float up into the whimsical idealism of colorblindness only to gently drift back down to earth landing on the left or right side of the politically correct political spectrum. Alas, it is always on the move, the slippery bastard.In this article, we hope to contribute to the dialogue on race and education, and raise a few thought-provoking questions regarding ways of seeing and thinking about CRT as both a theoretical and practical tool when focused on issues of race, structural racism, and education. We understand that as scholars, educators, and public intellectuals what we say, what we do, and how we do it has political implications. As socially conscious citizens, critical race theorists, social constructivists, CRiT 1 walkers, and progressive black scholars, we work within settings that offer both opportunities to serve as change agents and restrictions that compel adherence to a system that does not always work for people who look like us. We seek to exercise our voices to complement, critique, compare and contrast, and converse on the conditions that shape our experiences.