In a similar manner, the cyclopentadienyl complex [Au(C,H,)( PPh,) ] can conveniently be made from [AuCI( PPh,) 1, Na(OEt), and C, H, . The phosphine of [Au(C-CPh)L] rapidly exchanges in solution with free phosphines. The compounds [Au( C=CPh)( PPh,) ] and [AuCI{ P( C,H,Me-p),}] readily equilibrate with [AuCI( PPh,)] and [Au(C=CPh){P(C,H,Me-p),}], a reaction which could also involve exchange of phosphines, but the exchange of CI for C&Ph is another possible pathway. Phenylethynyl groups from [Au(CzCPh)( PPh,)] exchange with both chlorides of HgCI,, cis-[PtCI,( PMePh,),], and cis-[ PtCI,(CO)( PMePh,) 3. With the latter complex the exchange is non -stereospecific, unlike related reactions with organomercurials.