A 28-year-old female, presented with pain in abdomen since 15 days and with a history of menorrhagia since two years. Per vaginal examination revealed a left adnexal mass. There were no clinical features suggesting virilisation. USG and CT scan of abdomen and pelvis revealed a left sided large ovarian neoplasm. On laparotomy a large left ovarian mass was noted. A specimen of total abdominal hysterectomy with unilateral salpingo-oopherectomy was received.Grossly, a solid left ovarian mass of size 9x7x3.5 cm with smooth and lobulated external surface was noted. Cut section was solid, homogenous, yellow to tan in colour [
ABSTRACTSertoli-Leydig cell tumours (SLCTs) are rare sex cord stromal neoplasms of ovary accounting for less than 0.5% of all ovarian tumours. These are found in women of all age groups (2-75 y), but are most common in reproductive age group with an average age of 25 y. Mostly these are unilateral, confined to ovaries and usually stage I at the time of clinical diagnosis. The common presenting complaints in these patients are due to either mass occupying lesion (mostly pelviabdominal mass and/or pain) or hormonal production (mostly androgen and more rarely oestrogen). Androgenic manifestations, seen in 80% of patients with SLCT, are virilism, hirsutism, receding hairline, breast atrophy, clitoromegaly, acne, hoarseness of voice, etc. Estrogenic manifestations are precocious puberty, abnormal uterine bleeding, abnormal vaginal bleeding, menstrual irregularities, generalised oedema, weight gain, breast hypertrophy, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyps and endometrial carcinoma. Histologically these are classified (WHO) as well-differentiated, intermediately differentiated, poorly differentiated, with heterologous components and retiform type. Prognosis depends upon degree of tumour differentiation (grading) and tumour extent (staging). We herein report an unusual case of SLCT of ovary with oestrogenic manifestation of menorrhagia.