Where doe, th€ dilference lie, really, in individual differences? french h.s dcvGloped a matrix to di,play the learning difference, "' well as guide teaching strategies, teaching strategies and learning processes by Russell l. Frend, rhe philosoµhy0; educ.tio" i, a major intorest of RU5",1I Fe.noh, p,~icul"ly tile communication b.hav;", "f both Slud,nt, and teachers An a"oc;ate pmfessor .t the Univer>ity of Tonne".., and di,eoor <)fthe pifot p!ogram in teacher educalion, "","oh hos al50 tallght at the Capital Un;ve,Sityin wlumbu" Ohio, and Ohio State Un;ve"ity", ,""II a, in Cincinnatipublic ,chool" He ",ceived hi, PIl.D, from011;0 State Un;v~"ity .nd hi, bachelor5 and maste(, df!!lr ... < hO'" til. Universityof Cincinnati.