During last several years, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait has been trying to develop a sustainable culture technique for silver pomfret (
Pampus argenteus
). This paper reports the recent research advances in the breeding and rearing of silver pomfret fry at KISR. The eggs collected from wild silver pomfret during spawning seasons of 2012 to 2015 were artificially fertilized under laboratory condition. The average hatching rates of artificially fertilized eggs collected from wild silver pomfrets were 25.6%, 44.8%, 76.7%, and 53.5.0% and average survival rates of metamorphosed fry produced from these eggs were 3.7%, 5.7%, 4.4% and 3.8% for the spawning seasons 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015, respectively. For captive brood stocks, observation on the spawning time at hourly interval by collecting eggs from the nets set at out-flow of brood tanks showed that the spawning time for captive silver pomfret starts at the time of sunset. In 2012, two groups of captive silver pomfret broods spawned a total of 62x10
and 66x10
eggs, but the eggs were unfertilized. No captive spawning occurred during 2013 and 2014 spawning season. In 2015, captive silver pomfret broods in three tanks spawned about 653x10
, 673x10
and 270x10
eggs, and in 2016, the broods in four tanks spawned about 669x10
, 22x10
, 3x10
and 366x10
eggs. However, from these eggs only 1,400 and 1,000 fertilized eggs were collected which produced 300 and 123 hatched larvae in July 2015 and June 2016, respectively. The larvae produced from the 2015 broods did not survive beyond 56 days of metamorphosed stage while larvae produced from 2016 captive broods survived for 9 days only. The mortality of the larvae from captive brood could be related to the poor egg or milt quality. However, efforts are continued to improve the eggs and sperm quality through proper brood management.