Aim: Analysis of chemical composition and assessment of biological potential of tasar exuviae extracts. Methodology: The biochemical components such as proteins, chitin, ash, fat, moisture, minerals and carbohydrate were estimated in the exuviae. After extraction, glowing pigments were characterized by UV-Vis and fluorescent spectra, and profiling of polyphenolic and flavonoids, free radical scavenging assay, antibacterial and anticancer potential were evaluated. Results: The proximate components such as proteins, chitin, ash, fat, moisture, and carbohydrate contents were 62, 11.52, 10.57, 3.9, 3.1 and 0.9%, respectively. Further, among different elements, calcium level was higher than other elements such as magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc and sodium. The methanolic extract exhibited free radical scavenging and anti microbial potential in concentration dependent manner. In addition to these, glowing compounds prominent cytotoxic effect against breast cancer cell lines viz. MCF7, BT474 and SKBR3. Interpretation: The action mechanism of extract could be probably due to the presence of yellow flavonoids (luteolin, catechin, epicatechin and quercetin) and phenolic acids (p-coumaric acid, gentisic acid and gallic acid), which glows during exposure of UV light and having biological potentials. Key words: Anticancer, Antheraea mylitta, Tasar exuviae