The article analyzes genesis of representative morphostructures of the Earth, and substantiates that their origin, similarly to the Patomsky crater, is associated with the hydrogen outgassing and pipe formation in the internal part of the Earth, or, to put it otherwise, with the development of different diameter ring shape structures in the hard shell of the planet. Evolution of all the structures can be described with the dilatancy-explosion model, independent of their dimension. The author explains the billions years history of integration of these endogenous structures into great families of different scale, age and depth ring structures. It is shown that this global process is based on the plume-tectonics.A "kimberlite diatreme" origination involves pipe formation and eruption, similarly to the genesis of the Patomsky ring structure (ring structure are hereinafter put as RS) [1], though the mechanism of these processes remains unclear [2]. According to [1], the pipe formation process provides degassing of the subsoil having the solid outer jacket, and the eruption is associated with the presence of explosive gases, such as Н 2 , СН 4 , СО etc., during the outgassing. These notions make up the basis for a dilatancy and explosion model of cratering (or an RS formation) that allowed explaining the Patomsky crater genesis. Figure 1 shows experimental results with sand to simulate pipe formation in the subsoil. The pipe formation phenomenon is a result of deep-level processes, it starts with a focal zone and goes on as subsequent localized shears along conical and cylindrical rupture lines (RL1 and RL2, respectively, in Fig. 1) with a step l governed by a diameter 0 d of the "focus" and the strength of surrounding rocks. Localized deformation surfaces form a cylinder channel in geo-environment, the channel is filled with a granular block-structured medium. The rupture lines act as the maximum softening zones in the substrata and turn into conductor tracks for fluids toward the earth surface.The Patomsky crater originated as a result of collision and mix of juvenile gas and free air at depth 0 0in the said channel, followed with eruption and rock column displacement from the depth 0 h to the surface, and ended with the fall of rocks back into the formed hollow pipe with the height 0 h [1]. The other consequences of the Patomsky RS are (1) a trough-like depression, coaxial with the crater but with larger diameter, with a "root" as the long-living downward-tapered softening zone; (2) concentration of fluids in the softening zone, including waters; (3) increase in the content of these fluid from the said zone periphery to its center; (4) alteration of geophysical fields in radial direction in this zone; (5) appearance of mixed broken crustal rocks, local soil and vegetation at the top near the zone axis.