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REPORT TYPE Journal Article
TITLE AND SUBTITLE640x486 Long-Wavelength Two-Color GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) Focal Plane Array Camera
AUTHOR(S)Gunapala SD, Bandara SV, Singh A, Liu JK, Rafol SB, Luong EM, Mumolo JM, Tran NQ, Ting DZY, Vincent JD, Shott CA, Long J, LeVan PD
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Air Force Research Laboratory 3 55 0 Aberdeen Ave. SE Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5776
DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITYSTATEMENTApproved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited.
SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) 20021212 120We have designed and fabricated an optimized long-wavelength/very-long-wavelength two-color quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) device structure. The device structure was grown on a 3-in semiinsulating GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The wafer was processed into several 640 x 486 format monolithically integrated 8-9 and 14-15 ßm two-color (or dual wavelength) QWIP focal plane arrays (FPA's). These FPA's were then hybridized to 640 x 486 silicon CMOS readout multiplexers. A thinned (i.e., substrate removed) FPA hybrid was integrated into liquid helium cooled dewar for electrical and optical characterization and to demonstrate simultaneous two-color imagery. The 8-9 /im detectors in the FPA have shown background limited performance (BLIP) at 70 K operating temperature for 300 K background with f/2 cold stop. The 14-15 /mi detectors of the FPA reach BLIP at 40 K operating temperature under the same background conditions. In this paper we discuss the performance of this long-wavelength dualband QWIP FPA in terms of quantum efficiency, detectivity, noise equivalent temperature difference (NE A T), uniformity, and operability. Abstract-We have designed and fabricated an optimized long-wavelength/very-long-wavelength two-color quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) device structure. The device structure was grown on a 3-in semi-insulating GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The wafer was processed into several 640 x 486 format monolithically integrated 8-9 and 14-15 /im two-color (or dual wavelength) QWIP focal plane arrays (FPA's). Th...